
Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Prussia one shot - Language Lessons

If anyone reading this actually speaks German, please don't take offence at the translations, cough cough "Google translate" cough cough. Any corrections would be welcomed.
Read, comment and Enjoy!

                “Frau!” You sighed and kept walking, knowing that the Prussian would catch up. “Frau, vhy don’t you ever wait for me?” He whined. You rolled your eyes.
                “You’re a big boy Gil, you can walk by yourself. His crimson eyes flashed wickedly as you said ‘big boy’, and you knew he’d taken it the wrong way. You pushed him aside, hard enough but still playfully, “get your mind out of the gutter Prussian.”
                He chuckled and hung his arm over your shoulders, steering you in another direction.
                “I’m busy tonight Gil.” You said, knowing that he was steering you towards a pub.
                “Quit lying frau, I know you are just going to sit in your house alone like always.”
                Well, he was right, but that didn’t give him the right to dictate what you did on your nights off. You gave up anyway, trying to fight Prussia was not worth it, and you enjoyed your nights together anyway. Over the years, you had developed a love for the man and his strange quirks. There was something alluring about his ruby eyes and the wickedness that often flashed through them.
                But he was far too much of a womanizer to actually settle down, so you were content to be his friend.
                He ordered you both beer at the pub, and you thought of when you first met. He was here with some friends, and all of the girls were drinking some kind of cocktail. He had looked around and found you drinking a strong German beer, and insisted that you come and sit with them, to ‘lead by example and show zhem zhat awesome women drink German beer’.
                You felt a vibration, and sighed. You phone was ringing, again. You finished your beer and motioned to the bartender that you would be outside, when Gilbert came back from the dartboard the bartender would tell him where you were. You had once taken a call without letting Gil know, and he ended up furious with you for weeks because he thought you had deserted him.
                You answered the phone, “I thought it was my night off.” You worked for the Netherlands, and he was not a man to piss off. If he wanted you to work, then you worked. Besides, you weren’t a nation, you didn’t exactly have the authority to tell Netherlands to piss off.
                You listened to the rant, “Yes I know sir, but Germany-” He didn’t let you finish, restarting his rant. “Sir if you want it done that quickly then we’re going to have to re-route through Spain-” you said exasperated, Netherlands began to yell through the phone. He hated Spain, and you should have known not to mention him. Eventually, he calmed down enough to see reason and you tried to explain again, “if you want it done quickly, we have to go through Spain. If you’re willing to wait, we can go around and come up through France. You heard a grumble through the phone and then he said, “call France in the morning and make arrangements.” Then he hung up.
                You put your phone back in your pocket and went back inside, grabbing a beer and looking around for Gilbert. You found him, and he did not look happy. You walked over to the table and sat down, bumping your leg against his to cheer him up.
                “What’s up Gil?”
                “Who vas zhat?”
                “No one important.” You said. You knew that if Gilbert found out that Netherlands was calling you on your night off he would go and beat him up, and probably make more trouble than it was worth.
                Prussia looked at you as if he knew you were lying, but then just got up for more beer.
                He was soon drunk. You had no idea how many he’d had when you were on the phone, but it was obviously a fair few.
                “Fraauliiiine!” he yelled across the bar. You had found a table of your friends and stopped to chat with them for a moment, but Gil had noticed your absence.
                “Fraauuliiiiiiiine!” His heavy arm settled on your shoulders and he pulled to his side. You looked up at him, not half as drunk as he was.
                “Hey Gil.”
                “Who are zhese people?”
                “This is-” you began introductions, but apparently he didn’t really want them.
                “Quit looking at her like zat!” He yelled. You were about to yell at him until you saw that he wasn’t speaking to your friends, but a sleazy guy sat at the bar. A slimy smirk slid on his face and you shivered in disgust as his porky eyes roved over you. Moments later, he was on the ground after a punch in the face from Gilbert. He scrambled up and ran out, not giving a second look back at you. Gilbert stumbled back to you and you caught him, letting him lean on you for balance.
                “Put it on his tab?” You asked the bartender. Gilbert was a good friend to you, but you were in no way prepared to pay his bar bill. You said a quick goodbye to your friends before coercing Gilbert out into the fresh air and guiding him home.
                “Vhere are ve going frau?” He slurred.
                “We’re going to give you some bread and water so you don’t end up hungover, and then we’re going to put you to bed.”
                “You’re coming with me?”
                “Until you get to bed.”
                “How about you come to bed with me?”
                You rolled your eyes, “no Gilbert, I am not coming to bed with you.” He opened his mouth but you answered the question you knew was coming, “and not even your ‘awesome five metres’ can tempt me.”
                You reached his house and motioned for him to be quiet. The last thing you needed was Ludwig waking up and yelling at Prussia again.
                “Vhy are ve being quiet?” He asked, his loud drunk voice carrying over the garden.
                “So your annoying brother doesn’t wake up.” You whispered. Fishing a spare key from your pocket you quietly unlocked the door and hauled him inside. He tripped over the doorstep and braced his hands on the wall. Loudly.
                “Shhhh.” You whispered, putting a finger to your lips and giggling when he copied you. You tiptoed up the stairs to his room, and then darted to the kitchen while he worked on his laces. Coming back up, you forced him to drink the water and eat the bread while you untied the laces you knew he wouldn’t be able to do. You finally took off the boots, and then his socks, jacket, and shirt. He hated sleeping with a shirt on, it made him feel constricted. The first time you had to undress him for bed like this you had been timid and awkward, now it was normal procedure.
                “Ok Gil, time for me to go home.” You said, not expecting the hand that grabbed your wrist and pulled you back to sit on the bed. He lay his head in your lap.
                “It’s dark outside, zhere are bad men out zhere. You sleep here tonight.” He mumbled and you rolled your eyes. You lived a few houses down the street, not exactly a far distance. Gilbert must have known your thoughts because he wrapped his arms around your hips to keep you there. Sighing, you leaned back to sit against the headboard, trying not to shift the sleeping Prussian in your lap. You ran your fingers through his silver hair and heard a low pleasured groan. “das fühlt sich schön”(1).
                You had no idea what that meant, because as much as you hung around Gilbert you were still awful with languages. Your fingers slowed when you thought he fell asleep, “weitermachen”(2) he grumbled, and you resumed your combing as a guess to his wishes. Soon, his breathing deepened and you knew he was actually asleep this time. You tried to ease his arms from around your waist and he woke up again, “beenden winden , nur schlafen gehen”(3) he muttered harshly and you gave up. You closed your eyes and went to sleep.
                You woke up in the early morning, and felt that Prussia had obviously not moved. As much as you wanted to stay there and be there when he woke up, you knew you couldn’t. Friends didn’t stay for the next morning, that was the girlfriends job. A friend would get up and get some breakfast. You eased him off you, he was now sleeping deep enough that he didn’t wake up. You padded down to the kitchen and found Ludwig already cooking.
                “You’re up early.” You said with a yawn.
                “Vhy are you here?” he said, surprised. Then he frowned, “did Gilbert get drunk again?” Ludwig didn’t approve of you taking care of Gilbert when this happened, he felt that Gilbert taking up your time, if he wasn’t going to go out with you then he should let you go to find someone who would.
                “It’s no problem Ludwig. And this way I get to see you and hopefully get some excellent German breakfast?” You asked hopefully. You loved Ludwig’s cooking, it was simple, staple food, but it couldn’t taste any better. He scooped some onto a plate for you and sat down at the table with you. As you ate you remembered your wish from the night before.
                “Ludwig, can you teach me some German?”
                He looked surprised, “vhy?”
                “Because you and your brother are always talking in it and I can never understand. But start simple.”
                He chewed a piece of sausage thoughtfully, “guten morgen.”
                “Guuten Morgan.” You said clumsily.
                Ludwig nodded, “zhat means good morning.” He held up a piece of his sausage, “zhis is called wurst.”
                “Worst.” You copied, but he shook his head.
                “Wurst.” He repeated.
                “Ja.” He replied, you knew that one. “Wie geht's? How are you?”
                “We get’s?” You attempted.
                “Wie geht’s”
                It went on like this until breakfast was finished and you looked at him determinedly.
                “Guten morgen.” You said.
                “Guten morgen.” He replied, “wei geht’s?”
                “Gut, wie war dein Frühstück?”(4)
                “wie immer”(5) he replied. You didn’t know that one, and you could tell by his smirk that he was messing with you. You were spared answering by a tired Gilbert entering the kitchen.
                “I didn’t know you spoke German frau.” He said, sleepily but surprised. You were about to assure him that you did not in fact, speak any german, when he noticed the plates on the table and the smell in the air, “Vest, did you save me any wurst?”
                “Nein.” Ludwig shook his head at his brother who frowned.
                “But I’m hungry.”
                “You should have gotten up earlier.”
                You smiled at their brotherly bickering and got up.
                “Are you leaving?” Gilbert asked.
                “Yeah, some of us work for a living.” You grinned, “bye Gil, Auf Wiedersehen Ludwig, Dankeschön für das Frühstück.”(6) Ludwig smiled at your clumsy pronunciation and waved as you left for work. Then he turned to his brother.
                “Vhat are you doing making her sleep here?”
                “Vhat do you mean?”
                “She has to go to vork now and vill be late because she has to go home and change clothes.”
                “Zhen she should just leave some clothes here.”
                “You have to tell her.” Ludwig said.
                “Tell her vhat?”
                “Zhat you love her, and if you don’t zhen you should let her find someone who does.” Ludwig got up and left to start his day, leaving a confused Prussian to plot at the kitchen table.

                The next day, Gilbert found you at the park. You were with a few of those friends he vaguely remembered seeing at the pub, and his confidence wavered. He couldn’t say it in front of them! But he had to say it now, his brother was right. He remembered how you were talking to his brother in German at the kitchen table, and brightened. Your friends wouldn’t know how to speak German!
                He strode out and stood in front of you, stopping your entire group.
                “Hey aren’t you-” one of them started but you cut them off.
                “Ich liebe dich . Ich weiß, ich habe nicht immer gehandelt , wie ich sollte , und ich weiß, dass Sie jemanden, der Sie sie nach Hause zu tragen macht verdient , aber Ich liebe dich. Ich tue. Ich liebe dich.”(7)
                Your brows furrowed in confusion, Gilbert knew you didn’t speak German, he always made fun of you for it, he had to know that you and Ludwig were just joking around. But he looked so serious, you didn’t think you’d ever seen him this focused on something before, you wish you understood.
                “Gil I-” You hesitated, it would embarrassed him if you said you didn’t speak German in front of all your friends, and you knew it would take a while for him to get over his bruised pride. But even so, this still looked like the wrong this to say as his face turned cold and he stormed away. You tried to follow, but lost him as he turned a corner. “Gil? Gilbert!” You yelled, ignoring the strange looks people gave you.
                Gilbert didn’t come back.
                You went to his house, deciding to wait there until he came back. Surprisingly, Ludwig was there.
                “Ludwig, did Gil come home?” You asked.
                “No, vhy?”
                “He came to me in the park and said something in German, and then stormed off! I have no idea what he said! I don’t speak German!”
                “Vhat did it sound like?” Ludwig had a suspicious feeling he knew what his brother had done.
                “I don’t know, there was this one phrase he said a lot. Erm…. Eech Leebe Dich? Is that right?” You asked, frantic to know what was wrong with Gilbert.
                “Ich liebe dich?” Ludwig asked.
                “Yeah, that’s it! What does it mean?” You asked.
                Ludwig chuckled, and began writing on a piece of paper. He gave it to you, it was written entirely in German. “Ludwig, I don’t speak German.” You said, why was no one grasping this? You. Did. Not. Speak. German.
                “I know, I’m going to teach you how to say it, and zhen you are going to say it to my idiotic bruder.”
                You were confused, but knew that Ludwig would't make a joke out of this. You copied the words as he said them, and focused on remembering how they sounded.
                “There’s no way I can memorise this.” You said.
                “Just read off zhe paper, he vill understand.”
                “Why can’t you say it?” You asked, exasperated at the German lesson.
                “Trust me, he vants zhis to come from you.”  


                You found him, finally. He was leaving a coffee shop and froze when he saw you. You could tell he was about to bolt so you quickly held the paper in front of you and began reading. “Gilbert, auf mich hören. Ludwig hat das für mich geschrieben , und ich habe keine Ahnung, was ich jetzt sage. Ich spreche kein Deutsch , so beenden , ein Baby und mir sagen Sie mir in Englisch lieben.” (8)
                You looked up at him and saw a warm expression on his face. He took steps towards you and softly took the paper from your hand. “Mein bruder wrote zhis for you?”
                “Yeah, he said you’d want to hear it from me. Gilbert what’s going on?”
                Gilbert chuckled, “Ich liebe dich.”
                “What does that mean?”
                “I love you.” He said quietly, meeting your eyes. Your lips parted in a silent gasp, he loved you back. You had to say it, you had to tell him! You willed yourself to say the words but your mind was frozen. Gilbert seemed to understand, and took a chance.
                His lips pressed softly against yours, his hands ghosting on your shoulders. It was a question, a test, one that you were ready to answer whole heartedly.
                You gripped his shirt and pulled him down, kissing him full on. When you pulled back you couldn’t stop smiling, and then the two of you burst out laughing. Quieting down, he softly linked his fingers with yours and then kissed you once more.
                He was eccentric, and outrageously Prussian. He was moody and his diet was limited to beer and ‘wurst’. His silver hair and crimson eyes made a scene in any crowd, but somehow, his hand fit perfectly with yours and you wouldn't have it any other way.

(1) that feels nice.
(2) keep going.
(3) quit squirming, just go to sleep.
(4) good, how was your breakfast?
(5) same as always.
(6) Bye Gil, goodbye Ludwig, thank you for breakfast.
(7) I love you. I know I haven't always acted like I should have, and I know you deserve better than someone who makes you carry them home, but I love you. I do. I love you.
(8) Gilbert, listen to me. Ludwig has written this for me, and I have no idea what I'm saying right now. I don't speak German, so quit being a baby and tell me you love me in English.

Sunday, 24 August 2014

Scotland one shot - Tricks of the Trade

                “Alfred, I don’t want to come.” She complained, but he wasn’t about to budge.
                “I want you to come!”
                “But why?”
                “Because England’s bringing one of his brothers! I have to have someone too!”
                You were floored, Arthur was lovable, but this was just a waste of your time. You wanted to sunbathe and surf and drink cocktails on the beach. You didn’t want to sit in a boring meeting with a bunch of boring countries just because that dork England had brought one of his brothers along. You’d never met another Kirkland, but you could picture them. Blond hair, those huge blond eyebrows, probably short with a stupid expression on his face, hell, he’d probably smell awful just because you had to sit next to him.
                Alfred took your silence as acceptance and began to jabber on mindlessly as you sat and sulked, stewing in dark clouds of anger.
                This anger continued as you left the car and followed him to the meeting room, and then evaporated as you saw the elder Kirkland. He was stood right next to the idiotic Arthur, so you knew that the flaming haired god had to be the one.
                “Arthur buddy! How’s it going?” Alfred yelled across the room as he pulled you to the brothers. “Guys this is Cali, the state of California!” You smirked as the older brothers eyes quickly ran over you before meeting your gaze.
                “Yes, we’ve met before.” Arthur said dryly, remembering the last time he had gone to America and accidentally brought the rains of England with him. You had been furious that it ruined your day at the beach, and had refused to speak to him for the rest of his visit. Eventually, you had gotten the sun back out and he ended up going home with a nasty sunburn that took weeks to go away. “I don’t think you’ve met my brother though, this is Scotland.” Arthur introduced his brother who hadn’t yet taken his eyes away from yours.
                He nodded at you wordlessly, and then you were ushered to your seats by America. “Behave Cali.” He said. England simply gave his brother a warning glare before walking off.
                The meeting droned on, and by the ten minute mark you were already dying. A sidelong glance to Scotland showed that he was feeling the same. He was leaning back in his chair, one ankle on his opposite knee, and his hands clasped behind his head. Curls of that fiery hair had fallen boyishly over his forehead, but that was the only thing boyish about him. His shirt had ridden up just enough to show a sliver of his hips where his jeans were tight to his body. The corded muscle bulged on his triceps, and as your eyes followed the trail of his arm, you noticed flecks of cloven green watching you. He raised an eyebrow at you, obviously having seen you blatantly checking him out. You let your eyes collide with his, and after one last look you slowly turned your attention to the meeting. You head the scuffle of a chair beside you as Scotland scooted closer. You heard the movement of cloth and then felt a warm breath tickle the shell of your ear
                “So I hear you’re the one who burned my brother in America.” His voice was amused at your grin that told him he was right. “Nice move. He couldn’t come outside for weeks, it was so peaceful.”
                “I’m glad, your brothers an ass.”
                He seemed taken aback at your outspoken nature, but then chuckled.
                “You should try living with him, it’s a nightmare.”
                You giggled, and ignored the glares from several other countries who were obviously bothered by your conversation.
                “What are you even here for?” You asked.
                “Ach, I lost a bet with my brother Ireland. I didn’t know this would be so boring or I never would have agreed.” He was silent for a moment before asking you the same question.
                “America brought me because England brought you. He didn’t want to be left out, poor baby.”
                Scotland laughed and more than several heads turned this time.
                “You two. Be quiet.”
                You looked up at the German who was glaring at you both. Scotland’s laugh seemed to have interrupted his speech.
                He restarted the entire speech and Scotland leaned a little closer before breathing in your ear, “I can’t help feeling he’s compensating for something with that uniform.”
                This time it was your laugh that disrupted his speech.
                “Out! Into the hall until we are finished!” Germany yelled, and as fast as bullets the two of you escaped the meeting.
                “Finally, I thought we’d never get out.” You laughed, looking back at the Scotsman.
                “I second that, lass.”    
                The two of you walked through the giant building, randomly turning corners.
                “So Scotland…”
                “Ian, my name’s Ian.”
                “Ian.” You tested the name on your tongue as you strolled to a window and missed the flash of hunger in his eyes. It’s not like he could help it really. He was so used to British women, with their pale skin and brown hair and blue eyes, that you were an exotic treat for his eyes to ravage. You hair was a shocking mass of blonde curls, your skin was bronzed from the time you spent in the sun, and your eyes were a mischievous honey brown. Even your voice got to him, the Californian accent that made your words curl around his own like a blanket covering a needle.
                “Are you alright? Ian?” He realised you were talking to him, and he lost his response as he heard footsteps behind him, and America’s loud voice calling out for you.
                “They’re coming.” He said, and grinned as you pouted.
                “I don’t want to go back to the meeting.”
                Scotland’s mind veered to the side and he stepped brazenly forward. “Play along.” He whispered, his lips brushing yours as the lilting words muddled your mind. His vivid green eyes had an impish glint, and you couldn’t help feel your body heat up under their gaze. Ian’s hands trailed up your sides before he placed them on the glass beside your head. He stepped closer, ridding you of any personal space you might have had left. His breath was warm on your lips, and even as the footsteps got closer you didn’t have the mind to move into a more respectable position. All at once his lips captured yours and you lost the ability to think about anything except the man in front of you. Your hands wound into his flaming hair and pulled him down to you, crushing his face closer to yours. His knee slid between yours and pressed deliciously into your core. Your throat vibrated in a moan, only causing the Scott to grind his knee into you harder, faster. His hands left the window and grasped at your hips, pulling them closer to him. You arched into him, reeling in the warmth of his body to ward off the cold from his hands.
                Your nerves were on end, electricity pouring between the two of you as you pressed and pulled at each other, then you heard it.
                “Oh my god! Cali!!!”
                “Damn it, I wanted my chance at ze lovely California.”
                “Yeah! Go Scotland!”
                “Ian what are you doing?”
                Quite a few of the countries had come to look for you it seemed, and they all stood in the doorway, watching you and Scotland. You moved to break away from him, but as soon as your lips were free he captured them again. His hand forced your head back into the glass, and Scotland took advantage to nip at your tongue to come out and play. One by one, the footsteps of the countries grew fainter as they walked back to their meeting, leaving you alone. Only then did Scotland let you go.
                You fought to catch your breath, and then glanced up at him. Your cheeks were pink and your lips were swollen, he couldn’t stop himself as his hands cupped your face and he kissed you again. This was softer, he had more time now. Once again he coaxed your tongue to dance with his, a low groan escaping his throat.
                “They’re gone now.” You said between kisses, as if that mattered. Ian hiked your legs around his waist and pressed you back into the window, “So?” His hips ground heavy circles into your heated core, and you didn’t have the reasoning to stop him. Why on earth would you end this? You attached your lips back to his and moved your hips against him, feeling his smirk form.
                You had complained about coming to the meeting because it would be boring, when it had actually helped you discover your new favourite pastime.
                Being ravished by a Scotsman.         

Neji Hyuga one shot - We All Deserve Happiness

Just thought Neji needed some love.
Read, Comment and Enjoy!

                Sunlight streamed through the covered windows and landed on the eyelids of a sleeping shinobi. Seconds passed and the eyelids fluttered open, clear lavender eyes looking around a bedroom that wasn’t his own. He lurched up in panic, only to fall back down when he felt the vicious pounding in his head. God this was awful, he could barely remember the night before. Naruto had thrown a party for something. Originally Neji wasn’t going to go, but then he had heard that Hinata was going. For some reason, she was sneaking out to go to this party against their clan’s ideals.
As he crept from the Hyuga compound, Neji had told himself that he was only going to watch over her, to make sure she stayed out of trouble. Deep down, he told himself that he wasn’t defending his pride, that Hinata having the guts to sneak out didn’t take a stab at his value of himself.
                Then he admitted it, if Hinata could disobey Hiashi, then so could he.
                As he lay in the bed with his pounding headache, vibrant flashes of the previous night crossed his mind. The lights, the drinking, the dancing. He had found himself watching a girl dance. He had only seen her around a few times before. She was a year younger than himself, and had grown up with Naruto and his classmates. Upon her graduation, she was placed on a specialty team that worked mainly outside the village. She wasn’t back in Konoha very often and it was obvious that she intended to enjoy her brief time here.
                “Hey Shinobi!” She had yelled as she crossed the floor to get to him, “be a bit more lively will you? You’re ruining my night!” She had grinned playfully, but he wasn’t interested. “Come on!” She had insisted, “I know you’re a Hyuga but that’s no excuse, your cousin’s having the time of her life!”
                Hinata had been dancing with Sakura and Ino.
                The girl had forced a drink into one of his hands and had laced her fingers through the other. She slowly walked backwards, that playful grin still etched onto her face. He didn’t remember much after that. Flashes of her pressed against walls, her hair wrapped around his fingers, his lips hot against hers.
                The memory of her made Neji’s blood run cold. He tilted his head and saw her dark blonde hair peeking out from the covers. What had he done? He had to get out, now.  
                Slowly he pulled back the blankets, cursing himself when he realised just how far he had gone with this girl. He gathered up his clothes and had begun to dress himself when he heard a yawn. He turned around quickly and watched as she leaned up, the blanket dropping dangerously low on her chest.
                “Leaving so soon?” She asked, her sleepy voice still playful.
                “This never happened.” He said harshly. “And it will never happen again.”
                “Lighten up, you Hyuga’s are so uptight.”
                He didn’t say anything.
                “What’s that mark on your forehead?” She asked, and realised it was the wrong thing to say as she saw his shoulders tense.
                Without another word he stormed out of her house, vowing himself to never go back.


                She left with her team a few days later. He saw them leave and then realised that he didn’t even know her name. He felt shameful, what he had done was irresponsible, foolish, completely out of character. That morning he had found a bottle of sake on his dresser with a note tied around the neck.
                “Dear Hyuga, please use this at your discretion to help pull that stick out of your ass. Have some fun! When I get back I hope to see you acting more like you were the other night.”
                The note was written on her squad’s paper, her insignia was in the top corner, one faded blue line that curved vaguely in the shape of a fish.
                He had grumbled under his breath and quickly stashed the bottle in a cupboard as Hinata knocked on his door.


                “Neji, calm down! You need to take a break!” Tenten was worried about her teammate, he had been working harder than ever. She had seen him at that party the other week, he had disappeared to god knows where, and now he barely spoke. He was back to being the old Neji who didn’t question rules, and thought only about the honour of his Hyuga lineage. She had no idea what was going on in his mind, for if she did, well, she wouldn’t have known what to think.
                Neji’s mind was full of a girls teasing, playful face. Twinkling blue eyes and swirling blond hair. A hot body flush against his, naked skin pressed against his own.
                He was pushing himself in his training, forcing his body past its limits. Every time he thought of her disobedience, he fought harder. Every thought of her laugh, every memory of her relaxed poise and the freedom with which she held herself, he kept working. He would uphold the Hyuga name, he would not shame his family.


                She came back weeks later, tired and bloodied from her mission, but that foolish smile was still on her face.
                Her eyes met his as they passed, and she couldn’t help the playful glance she gave him.
                Later, he felt her behind him as he trained.
                “I asked my teammate about you. About your family.” 
                He didn’t respond.
                “They told me what your curse mark means.”
                Again, he stayed silent.
                “It’s barbaric. The way they control you like that. I can’t believe they treat you like this, and that you all go along with it.”
                She could see that she was walking a dangerous line, he wouldn’t tolerate her talking about his family like this, but she knew that no one had ever dared before. All of his friends tip-toed around the situation, but she would not. He was being strangled by that curse mark, and that controlling, overbearing family.
                “Let go of it all Neji, make your own choices.”
                “My place is with my family.” He hissed at her. “I have a duty to my family!”
                “You have a duty to yourself!” She yelled at him. “You’re a shinobi! Have some guts and do something!”
                He gave her a stony glare, and then turned and walked away.     
                “That’s right Neji.” She yelled after him, “be the main branch’s BITCH, but I tell you what, the only people who live on their knees as much as you, are prostitutes.”
                He turned in a snarl, but she was already gone.


                He threw himself into his training, Gai was thrilled for a moment, before he began to worry about his student. Any attempts to talk to Neji were cast aside, he was ruthless to his opponents. It was as if his every nerve had been flayed and was open, raw to the world.
                She would walk by, and behind her playful eyes he saw a hint of sorrow. Sorrow for him. He hated the pity, and he worked even harder.
                But even through his anger, he couldn’t help the attraction. She was a whole world of opportunities, she did what she wanted, said what she thought. She answered to no one. She was happiness, she was freedom. She was everything his life was missing.


                He was exhausted, training had taken its toll on him. He walked home planning to take a shower and then rest up for tomorrow. He hadn’t seen the girl in weeks, she had been off on some diplomacy mission in water country, and until that morning, no one had heard from them. She was a water jutsu specialist which is why her team was assigned the mission in the first place, but Neji could tell that everyone had been relieved when they turned up at the village gates.
                He had watched her as she was escorted to the hospital where she would be patched up as she conferred with Lady Tsunade about the state of affairs of the neighbouring villages.
                It was probably the thoughts of her that distracted him from the signs he should have seen, and then it was too late for him to leave. Hiashi was stood in Neji’s room, and a familiar bottle of sake was in his hands.
                “What is this?” He asked, his voice low and murderous.
                Neji cursed internally, he had meant to get rid of it, he hadn’t even taken the note off it. Hiashi cast his eyes to the piece of paper, and slowly read it aloud.
                “Dear Hyuga, please use this at your discretion to help pull that stick out of your --” His voice faded as his eyes scanned over the rest of it. He waited for Neji to give an answer, but Neji had no idea what to say.
                “This mark,” Hiashi continued, his thumb brushing over the blue fish in the corner of the paper, “this is the mark of that girl who left her family to join her squad. This is the mark of the girl who chose her own ambition over her family. Am I right, Neji?”
                “Yes sir.” Neji said.
                “You are infatuated with her?” Hiashi breathed, his tone evident that he already knew the answer. “You are a disgrace to this household.” He said, his voice growing louder with every furious word, “You have brought shame and dishonour to your family. You will never see this girl again.” Hiashi was angrier than Neji had ever seen him, and when Hiashi saw the defiant glint in Neji’s eyes, he used the one method of control he had left.
                Neji crumpled to the ground, fingers grasping and clawing at his forehead as a volcanic fiery pain ripped through his mind. His body writhed, joints cracking and bones stiffening until it all stopped. His breathing was heavy and ragged, and his eyes were blazing as he looked up at his uncle. Memories flashed through his mind, memories of his father falling victim to Hiashi’s power over the curse seals. Slowly, Neji forced himself to his knees and kept his gaze at the ground. Hiashi left with thundering footsteps.
                The only people who live on their knees as much as you, are prostitutes. Her voice echoed in his mind and Neji stood, racing away from the compound.
                Hours later, he found himself sat in a tree at the deserted training grounds, his anger and his resolve both leaving him. That’s when she showed up. She didn’t seem to have noticed him yet as she slowly began going through water jutsu forms. Her shoulder was wrapped, and he could see bandages peeking out from under her shirt. There were several shallow cuts on her face, but other than that she seemed to be ok. He let himself fall to the ground, and that’s when she saw him.
                She straightened up out of her form, and gazed at him sadly. She knew what it was to have your family plan a path for you, a path that you didn’t want. She wasn’t bound like Neji was, but it was always hard to realise that you deserved better than what life had given you. She took calm, slow steps towards Neji, whose clear lavender eyes were flickering, unsure of what he was doing. What was he supposed to say?
                She stood before him, and the silence that settled around them was comforting. Nothing needed to be said. She knew what he was feeling. His hands moved to his forehead protector and untied it with careful fingers, and then pressed the cool metal in her hands. Only then did he let his eyes meet hers. He was giving himself to her in a way that was so much more important than the way they had met. He was bearing his curse seal to her, giving her the one thing that tied him down.
                She could not take away the chains that bound him, but she had given him his freedom anyway.
                Her hands still clutched his forehead protector, and chills ran to her fingertips as she felt Neji’s calloused palms skim her jaw. He barely touched her, but it was enough. Her face tilted up to meet his, and their lips pressed softly in a tender, gentle, kiss.
                “Thank you.” He whispered against her, his lips brushing hers with his words. Her response was to lean up and kiss him again. He didn’t pull away as he once would have done, he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her closer.
She had once been his regret, she had been his mistake.
But now she was his happiness.   

And he wasn’t letting her go.          

Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Draco Malfoy one shot - A New Way of Flirting

Hey everyone! Just a quick Malfoy one shot I had rolling around in my mind. I'll probably go on a Harry Potter binge now, so keep a look out!
As always, Read, Comment, and Enjoy!

                Shelby Whisper was a simple soul, and it was clear from a look which house she belonged in. Her midnight hair, pale skin, and vivid green eyes could only belong to that of Slytherin House. But in every other matter, it was debateable. Many of her friends from Ravenclaw believed she belonged in the tower with them, but Shelby assured them that her home was in the mysterious glass room beneath the glossy surface of the lake.
                She was ambitious, and focused her studies to become a beacon in the wizarding world. She believed in loyalty, a loyalty that the other houses could never understand. What they perceived as cruelty in the words of a Slytherin was really a protective need that surged through them to defend any slight against their house or their friends. Yes, occasionally a Slytherin may get out of hand against a Gryffindor, but they didn’t act like that to each other. Anyone wearing an emerald and silver snake was part of the family, and you didn’t pick on your own family.
                Shelby was one of the rare Slytherin’s who branched out and made friends in other houses. It wasn’t that she was unhappy with the friends she had in Slytherin, it just seemed to her that many of them had lost their way. Slytherin’s were originally deemed to be as intelligent as the Ravenclaw’s, the difference being that Slytherin focused on ambition, whereas Ravenclaw’s were more eccentric and pursued knowledge for knowledge’s sake.
                Shelby Whisper knew many things, she was among the Ravenclaw’s at the top of her classes. She could tell you the constellations of the stars in winter, and the uses for Fire Salamander tail. But the one thing she was completely clueless about, was romance.


                “Hey Shelby, what are you working on.” She looked up and saw that a guy had perched on the couch next to her, oh god, how could she not remember his name if he knew hers? Alfred? Angus? She decided to play it cool and hoped someone would say it later.
                “Just that potions essay.”
                “Purpose of brewing in moonlight?” He asked, looking at the books in a pile on the floor in front of her. “That’s not due for three weeks!”
                She laughed breezily, dipping her quill in her precariously balanced inkpot and continued jotting notes on her parchment, “there’s no harm in getting a head start is there?”
                “I guess not” he mumbled, gazing at her hand where a spot of dark ink had dribbled. She looked up as he grabbed her hand, “there was ink.” He said quickly, leaning in just a touch.
                “Oh was there? Thanks.” She said, taking her hand back and removing her wand from where it was stuck through her hair. Waving it, she dispelled the ink on her hand, and went back to work. She absently felt the couch lift, meaning her nameless visitor had gone. She didn’t really mind though, she was focused completely on planning out her essay.
                Across the room, a blonde Slytherin smirked at the interaction. He had been watching this kind of thing happen for a while. She seemed utterly uninterested in any of the guys who tried to flirt with her, she brushed each of them off and went back to whatever she was doing.
                A few days later, another boy approached her.
                “I heard you were already working on that potions essay, I thought you’d find this useful.” She took the book from his hands and looked it over, flipping a few pages in.
                “Wow this is great! Is it yours? Are you working on the paper too? What angle are you taking on the ancient Spanish witches?”
                The poor boy stuttered, “I-I-, I just found it in the library.”
                Her face fell, “oh.”
                There was an awkward silence between them, and then the boy walked away.
                Malfoy chuckled, he’d have to try this himself.


                The next day he plonked himself on the sofa beside her. She glanced at him before turning back to that accursed essay.
                “Still writing that essay Whisper?”
                “Obviously Malfoy.” She didn’t even look up at him, but he grinned at the tone in her voice.
                He stretched his legs, pressing his thigh against hers. Her quill paused, but then continued writing.
                “I haven’t seen you without that paper for a second since Snape gave it to us.” He said, “you don’t take it to bed with you do you?” He smirked at the thought, and she absent-mindedly responded.
                “Of course I don’t.” Then he understood.  She had no idea guys were flirting with her. She was completely clueless.
                “You know what Whisper,” he tested, “you’re pretty hot.”
                “Er, thanks Malfoy.” Still not getting it, as he thought she wouldn’t.
                “Hey Whisper, I’m looking for a kiss here.” She looked at him, astonished.
                “A kiss? Well you’re very direct aren’t you? Aren’t you supposed to, I don’t know, flirt with me first? Buy me chocolates or flowers or something?”
                He chuckled and got up, whispering in her ear. “See you around, Whisper.”


                “Heads up!” Shelby turned quickly, along with several other people in the corridor. She quickly fumbled, but caught the chocolate frog that landed in her hands. She looked around, and her eyes fell on the smirking blond Slytherin.
                “Hey Whisper!” He shouted, causing everyone else to stop and stare at them. “I’m flirting with you.” He yelled brazenly, watching the tops of her cheeks dust with red.
                She quickly turned with her friends and walked away, but now she knew what she was in for.


                Shelby was sat in front of him, like she was for every transfiguration class. McGonagall was at the front, helping Longbottom with something, and Malfoy seized his opportunity.
                “Hey, Hey Whisper!” He saw her shoulders tense, and then she looked over her shoulder at him.
                “Yes Malfoy?”
                His eyes flickered down, “you’ve got a fantastic arse.”
                The astonishment showed in her widened eyes and parted lips. He was probably the first person to ever talk this openly to her. Then her face turned to a scowl and she turned back to her work. Malfoy was pleased at how this was going, knowing that she wasn’t actually angry at him.


                “Hey Whisper!”
                Shelby ignored Malfoy’s voce that called at her from across the common room. She was on her usual couch, laying on her stomach with her feet in the air. Her books were propped up against the arm of the chair.
                “Hey Whisper!”
                She ignored him again and focused on the book in front of her. Ancient Greek wizards believed that it was the power of the goddess Artemis that gave their potions power. She was the goddess of moonlight, and thus they always brewed their potions under full moons, when her power would have been strongest. Because of this religious affiliation with potion making, their potions often accompanied the hearts of stags, as they were believed to be sacred offerings to Artemis. Along with this-”
                “Hey Whisper!”
                “What Malfoy?” It was clear that he wasn’t going to stop pestering her until she answered him.
                “You look so sexy when you sit like that. Shows off your lovely arse.”
                Her cheeks flamed again, and she stood up, gathering her books in her arms and walking to the dorms.
                “See you around Whisper.” He called after her.
                She lay on her bed, and tried to focus on the book, but Malfoy’s smirking face kept slipping into her mind. Why was he so focused on her? And why did she enjoy it so much? It was true that no boy had really paid her any attention before, well, not that she’d noticed. And this was Malfoy, the most desired boy in all of Slytherin, why was he wasting his time on her?


                The wind was howling, snow was blowing, and the Slytherin’s were trudging back from Herbology.
                “Hey Whisper.” She whipped her head around, but by now she had learned to tell his tone of voice. This was a simple greeting.
                “Hi Malfoy.”
                “That class was awful.” He said.
                “Oh I agree!” She said, “I can’t stand the smell of poppies! I just want to go back to the dorms and have a long hot shower!”
                She regretted saying it the moment it passed her lips, and she was expecting a ‘mind if I join you?’ but none came.
                They reached the castle and hurried inside, casting off their wet cloaks. She ran her fingers through her wet, knotted hair and groaned, thinking about the amount of conditioner she would have to use. She unwrapped the scarf from around her neck.
                “Hey Whisper,” He said curiously, “what’s with the scarf?” The scarf she wore was a series of marbled greens, and not the standard Hogwarts uniform.
                She fingered the end of it, “the Hogwarts scarves itch my neck, I prefer this material.”
                “It looks nice on you.” He said, with a grin. She blushed, but this was a not the usual furious blush, she wasn’t sure how to reply to a compliment like this.
                “Er, thanks Malfoy.”
                “Anytime Whisper,” he said, smacking her butt as he walked past her. That was the usual Malfoy.


                It was the early hours of the day the potions essay was due, and Shelby was in the common room looking over it one last time.
                Dawn was several hours away, and all the other students were sleeping, except her and the owner of the footsteps heading towards her.
                “Can’t sleep Malfoy?” She asked, glancing at the boy and forcing herself not to take a second look. He obviously slept shirtless, and had come down in just pyjama bottoms.
                “Hey Whisper.” He greeted, before flopping down on the couch beside her. His eyes were bleary and half lidded, and Shelby couldn’t help think that he looked adorable.
                “You look sexy like that.” He said off-handily, and she looked at herself incredulously. She was in shorts and a big baggy shirt. Sure, the shorts were very, well, short, but still!
                “You’re joking right?”
                “No.” He said, seeming to wake up a bit, “makes you look all confident, and like you’ve just rolled out of a man’s bed. The way it rides up your thighs, gives a man ideas just looking at you. Hides your curves, makes men want to just rip it off you.”
                “Noted.” She said dryly, “I’ll make sure not to wear this ever again.”      


                Malfoy wasn’t particularly fond of muggle culture, but damn it all if he didn’t praise them for this invention. It was a Sunday, and he was watching as Shelby wandered around in what he learned were called ‘skinny jeans’. They were so tight, and stuck to the curves of her legs.
                She was currently walking with a group of her Ravenclaw friends, he had no idea where they were going, but he didn’t even care.
                “Hey Whisper!” He yelled, ignoring the stares of everyone else in the hallway and focusing on her face that was half petrified, and half waiting in anticipation. Already, the tips of her ears were starting to turn red. “Your legs look absolutely fantastic in those.”
                The Ravenclaw’s looked disgusted, and guided Shelby away, but Malfoy saw through the red on her face to the grin in her smile.


                The next day, he saw her at the Slytherin table in the Great Hall eating breakfast. He groaned, and couldn’t resist walking up behind her and lowering his mouth to her ear.
                “Eating a banana Whisper? You’ve got to know what that does to me.”
                The fruit thudded on her plate as she froze and then she stood up quickly, grabbed his collar in her fingers and pressed her lips clumsily to his. He quickly took control of the kiss, fingers curling in her hair and his mouth dominating hers.
                When their lips parted, they knew the entire great hall was watching.
                “There. All you wanted was a kiss right?” She said, “Can we be done with flirting now?” She gathered her things and began to storm out of the great hall, cursing herself for making such a scene. The rest of the students watched as a sly Malfoy caught up to her and slung an arm around her shoulders, grinning when she didn’t shake him off.
                The unobtainable girl, who so many had tried to capture, had finally been won over.     


Saturday, 16 August 2014

Levi Ackerman one shot - Broken Courtyards and Stolen Toast

Alright, I promise the next one won't be Levi, but I've found several more picture I couldn't resist so expect more Levi in the future!
Read, comment, and Enjoy!

“Humanities strongest soldier? More like humanities sexiest! Is he trying to turn me on or what?” Your voice was quiet, but not hushed as you admired the Captain on the training field. You were sat with your friends Sasha Blouse and Jean Kirstein, and this was a common pastime of yours. You didn’t consider yourself shallow… just an admirer of the male form. Or female, for that matter. You didn’t swing that way, but sometimes girls would pass by and you would nudge Jean.
“Captain Levi?” Sasha asked, “He’s so short and scrawny.”
You shook you head, “first, everyone looks tall to me.” That was true, you were the shortest of the new cadets from the 104th. “Second, look at the way he carries himself, look at the balance he has in the air, look at the calves of his boots. Oh no, scrawny he is not.”
Sasha eyed Levi, trying to see what you saw, and then she met his eyes and squeaked. He was in front of you all in an instant, his angry eyes looking at the fact that you were all sat doing nothing.
“What do you brats think you are doing?”
Sasha stumbled over her words and Jean stuttered for something to say, but you held nothing back. “I was admiring your figure sir. Sasha and Jean were trying to convince me to get back to work.” Alright, so it was a tiny lie. Jean and Sasha had been slacking along with you, but you had a plan.


                “What was that? You’re going to be on punishment rounds for weeks!” Jean said, although seriously appreciating that you had covered for them. He wasn’t expecting the coy grin on your face.
                “Exactly, weeks of company with humanities sexiest soldier.”
                “It won’t be company, he’ll have you running laps and cleaning thing! He won’t be anywhere near you!”
                “Oh Jean, such an innocent mind. Of course he’ll be there. One day you’ll understand.” You were confident that eventually, you would get somewhere with Levi.


                “Cadet! What are you doing here?” Levi’s voice yelled at you from across the cafeteria. You turned in your seat, and spoke as he strode toward you.
                “Eating breakfast, Captain.”
                “You were to clean the barracks before eating.”
                “I finished them sir.” You said breezily, muffling your grin at his murderous expression.
                “All of them?”
                “Yes sir.”
                He was now stood next to where you were sat, and you had to tilt your head to look at his face. He reached out a hand and for a moment it lingered as if he were to touch your face. Then he smirked and took the last piece of bread from your plate.
                “Do them again.” He ordered, taking a bite of the toast and walking away.
                “Did he just…?” Jean said, not quite believing it.
                “He did!” Sasha exclaimed, “Levi flirted with you!”
                You smiled smugly and leaned over to steal the toast Jean was holding. “I know.” You got up and head over to the barracks.


                “Cadet! Done with the stables?”
                “Wouldn’t be sat here if I wasn’t sir.”
                “Go run some laps. Till sundown, see if you’ve still got this much energy in you then.”
                You sighed, putting down your spoon and rolling your eyes at a chuckling Jean and a giggling Sasha.


                “Cadet! Why don’t you weed the courtyard?”
                “Sir!” You exclaimed, “That courtyard’s overrun! It’ll take forever to finish!”
                “Better get started then.”


                “Cadet! I see the courtyard is free of weeds, nice work.” You grumbled at him, you had worn your fingers to the bone picking out the stupid bits of grass. He didn’t seem to appreciate your muttering, “What was that Cadet?”
                “Nothing sir.”
                “Well if you’ve got nothing to say, why don’t you start repaving the courtyard?”
                “I’ve got no bricks sir.”
                “Concrete will be fine.”
                “You… want me to haul cement up from the cellars, make the concrete, and then floor the courtyard with it?”
                “Yes, is that too difficult for you Cadet?”
                “No sir, not at all.”


                Days later, you were on the floor, scrubbing away at the floor of an empty bathroom. You heard footsteps and hastily looked around “This bathrooms closed- Oh. Captain Levi. Something else for me to do?”
                “You should speak with more respect to your elders.” He said, calmly walking over to you. Your eyes widened and you cried out. “You’re tracking mud onto my clean floors!”
                “Am I?” He asked idly, looking behind him at the footprints trailing behind him. You knew for a fact, that Levi’s boots did not usually track mud. Even if he fought a Titan and his boots got dirty, he would stop and clean them immediately. This was on purpose.
                “You’re sabotaging my bathroom!”
                “Wouldn’t dream of it.” He said, swiping his finger along the top of a mirror. “Not bad, except for the floors. You’ll need to do those again.” You were angry, and sure that he was getting off on you kneeling on the ground before him, cleaning the floors.
                “Come to my office when you’re done, I’ll have more work for you.”
                Ugh. You grabbed the brush and began to scrub at the floor.
                When you finally approached his office, he was waiting for you at his desk. “That took longer than I thought Cadet.”
                “Let me guess, laps for my tardiness?”
                “No…” He mused, “I don’t know what to do with you. The usual punishment seems to have no effect, so what am I to do?”
                Liking the way this was going, you decided to push the envelope. You walked around the desk, trailing your fingertips along the wood.
                “I don’t know, I’m sorry for causing you so much trouble, Heichou.”
                His eyes flashed to yours, you never called him Heichou and the way you curled your tongue around the word…. He spun his chair to face you, and you stood in between his knees. His hands grasped yours and slowly led you to straddle his waist.
                “Mmm, you do cause a lot of problems.” He said, slowly trailing hot, open mouth kisses up your throat. You groaned and stretched your head back. His hands gripped your waist, his thumbs rubbing warm circles into your skin.
                “How could I make it up to you Heichou?” You asked teasingly, touching your lips lightly and grinning. His eyes gleamed and he captured your lips, not letting you get away this time. You leaned into him, falling into his warmth and running your hands along his shoulders. You groaned at the ropes of muscle tensing under your fingers. You knew Sasha was wrong, he was definitely not scrawny.
                “Levi have you seen-” Hanji burst in his office and froze at the sight of the two of you. “Oh, I see, well I’ll just leave you alone then.” She backed out of the room and you looked back to the man below you.

                “So where were we?”