
Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Prussia one shot - Language Lessons

If anyone reading this actually speaks German, please don't take offence at the translations, cough cough "Google translate" cough cough. Any corrections would be welcomed.
Read, comment and Enjoy!

                “Frau!” You sighed and kept walking, knowing that the Prussian would catch up. “Frau, vhy don’t you ever wait for me?” He whined. You rolled your eyes.
                “You’re a big boy Gil, you can walk by yourself. His crimson eyes flashed wickedly as you said ‘big boy’, and you knew he’d taken it the wrong way. You pushed him aside, hard enough but still playfully, “get your mind out of the gutter Prussian.”
                He chuckled and hung his arm over your shoulders, steering you in another direction.
                “I’m busy tonight Gil.” You said, knowing that he was steering you towards a pub.
                “Quit lying frau, I know you are just going to sit in your house alone like always.”
                Well, he was right, but that didn’t give him the right to dictate what you did on your nights off. You gave up anyway, trying to fight Prussia was not worth it, and you enjoyed your nights together anyway. Over the years, you had developed a love for the man and his strange quirks. There was something alluring about his ruby eyes and the wickedness that often flashed through them.
                But he was far too much of a womanizer to actually settle down, so you were content to be his friend.
                He ordered you both beer at the pub, and you thought of when you first met. He was here with some friends, and all of the girls were drinking some kind of cocktail. He had looked around and found you drinking a strong German beer, and insisted that you come and sit with them, to ‘lead by example and show zhem zhat awesome women drink German beer’.
                You felt a vibration, and sighed. You phone was ringing, again. You finished your beer and motioned to the bartender that you would be outside, when Gilbert came back from the dartboard the bartender would tell him where you were. You had once taken a call without letting Gil know, and he ended up furious with you for weeks because he thought you had deserted him.
                You answered the phone, “I thought it was my night off.” You worked for the Netherlands, and he was not a man to piss off. If he wanted you to work, then you worked. Besides, you weren’t a nation, you didn’t exactly have the authority to tell Netherlands to piss off.
                You listened to the rant, “Yes I know sir, but Germany-” He didn’t let you finish, restarting his rant. “Sir if you want it done that quickly then we’re going to have to re-route through Spain-” you said exasperated, Netherlands began to yell through the phone. He hated Spain, and you should have known not to mention him. Eventually, he calmed down enough to see reason and you tried to explain again, “if you want it done quickly, we have to go through Spain. If you’re willing to wait, we can go around and come up through France. You heard a grumble through the phone and then he said, “call France in the morning and make arrangements.” Then he hung up.
                You put your phone back in your pocket and went back inside, grabbing a beer and looking around for Gilbert. You found him, and he did not look happy. You walked over to the table and sat down, bumping your leg against his to cheer him up.
                “What’s up Gil?”
                “Who vas zhat?”
                “No one important.” You said. You knew that if Gilbert found out that Netherlands was calling you on your night off he would go and beat him up, and probably make more trouble than it was worth.
                Prussia looked at you as if he knew you were lying, but then just got up for more beer.
                He was soon drunk. You had no idea how many he’d had when you were on the phone, but it was obviously a fair few.
                “Fraauliiiine!” he yelled across the bar. You had found a table of your friends and stopped to chat with them for a moment, but Gil had noticed your absence.
                “Fraauuliiiiiiiine!” His heavy arm settled on your shoulders and he pulled to his side. You looked up at him, not half as drunk as he was.
                “Hey Gil.”
                “Who are zhese people?”
                “This is-” you began introductions, but apparently he didn’t really want them.
                “Quit looking at her like zat!” He yelled. You were about to yell at him until you saw that he wasn’t speaking to your friends, but a sleazy guy sat at the bar. A slimy smirk slid on his face and you shivered in disgust as his porky eyes roved over you. Moments later, he was on the ground after a punch in the face from Gilbert. He scrambled up and ran out, not giving a second look back at you. Gilbert stumbled back to you and you caught him, letting him lean on you for balance.
                “Put it on his tab?” You asked the bartender. Gilbert was a good friend to you, but you were in no way prepared to pay his bar bill. You said a quick goodbye to your friends before coercing Gilbert out into the fresh air and guiding him home.
                “Vhere are ve going frau?” He slurred.
                “We’re going to give you some bread and water so you don’t end up hungover, and then we’re going to put you to bed.”
                “You’re coming with me?”
                “Until you get to bed.”
                “How about you come to bed with me?”
                You rolled your eyes, “no Gilbert, I am not coming to bed with you.” He opened his mouth but you answered the question you knew was coming, “and not even your ‘awesome five metres’ can tempt me.”
                You reached his house and motioned for him to be quiet. The last thing you needed was Ludwig waking up and yelling at Prussia again.
                “Vhy are ve being quiet?” He asked, his loud drunk voice carrying over the garden.
                “So your annoying brother doesn’t wake up.” You whispered. Fishing a spare key from your pocket you quietly unlocked the door and hauled him inside. He tripped over the doorstep and braced his hands on the wall. Loudly.
                “Shhhh.” You whispered, putting a finger to your lips and giggling when he copied you. You tiptoed up the stairs to his room, and then darted to the kitchen while he worked on his laces. Coming back up, you forced him to drink the water and eat the bread while you untied the laces you knew he wouldn’t be able to do. You finally took off the boots, and then his socks, jacket, and shirt. He hated sleeping with a shirt on, it made him feel constricted. The first time you had to undress him for bed like this you had been timid and awkward, now it was normal procedure.
                “Ok Gil, time for me to go home.” You said, not expecting the hand that grabbed your wrist and pulled you back to sit on the bed. He lay his head in your lap.
                “It’s dark outside, zhere are bad men out zhere. You sleep here tonight.” He mumbled and you rolled your eyes. You lived a few houses down the street, not exactly a far distance. Gilbert must have known your thoughts because he wrapped his arms around your hips to keep you there. Sighing, you leaned back to sit against the headboard, trying not to shift the sleeping Prussian in your lap. You ran your fingers through his silver hair and heard a low pleasured groan. “das fühlt sich schön”(1).
                You had no idea what that meant, because as much as you hung around Gilbert you were still awful with languages. Your fingers slowed when you thought he fell asleep, “weitermachen”(2) he grumbled, and you resumed your combing as a guess to his wishes. Soon, his breathing deepened and you knew he was actually asleep this time. You tried to ease his arms from around your waist and he woke up again, “beenden winden , nur schlafen gehen”(3) he muttered harshly and you gave up. You closed your eyes and went to sleep.
                You woke up in the early morning, and felt that Prussia had obviously not moved. As much as you wanted to stay there and be there when he woke up, you knew you couldn’t. Friends didn’t stay for the next morning, that was the girlfriends job. A friend would get up and get some breakfast. You eased him off you, he was now sleeping deep enough that he didn’t wake up. You padded down to the kitchen and found Ludwig already cooking.
                “You’re up early.” You said with a yawn.
                “Vhy are you here?” he said, surprised. Then he frowned, “did Gilbert get drunk again?” Ludwig didn’t approve of you taking care of Gilbert when this happened, he felt that Gilbert taking up your time, if he wasn’t going to go out with you then he should let you go to find someone who would.
                “It’s no problem Ludwig. And this way I get to see you and hopefully get some excellent German breakfast?” You asked hopefully. You loved Ludwig’s cooking, it was simple, staple food, but it couldn’t taste any better. He scooped some onto a plate for you and sat down at the table with you. As you ate you remembered your wish from the night before.
                “Ludwig, can you teach me some German?”
                He looked surprised, “vhy?”
                “Because you and your brother are always talking in it and I can never understand. But start simple.”
                He chewed a piece of sausage thoughtfully, “guten morgen.”
                “Guuten Morgan.” You said clumsily.
                Ludwig nodded, “zhat means good morning.” He held up a piece of his sausage, “zhis is called wurst.”
                “Worst.” You copied, but he shook his head.
                “Wurst.” He repeated.
                “Ja.” He replied, you knew that one. “Wie geht's? How are you?”
                “We get’s?” You attempted.
                “Wie geht’s”
                It went on like this until breakfast was finished and you looked at him determinedly.
                “Guten morgen.” You said.
                “Guten morgen.” He replied, “wei geht’s?”
                “Gut, wie war dein Frühstück?”(4)
                “wie immer”(5) he replied. You didn’t know that one, and you could tell by his smirk that he was messing with you. You were spared answering by a tired Gilbert entering the kitchen.
                “I didn’t know you spoke German frau.” He said, sleepily but surprised. You were about to assure him that you did not in fact, speak any german, when he noticed the plates on the table and the smell in the air, “Vest, did you save me any wurst?”
                “Nein.” Ludwig shook his head at his brother who frowned.
                “But I’m hungry.”
                “You should have gotten up earlier.”
                You smiled at their brotherly bickering and got up.
                “Are you leaving?” Gilbert asked.
                “Yeah, some of us work for a living.” You grinned, “bye Gil, Auf Wiedersehen Ludwig, Dankeschön für das Frühstück.”(6) Ludwig smiled at your clumsy pronunciation and waved as you left for work. Then he turned to his brother.
                “Vhat are you doing making her sleep here?”
                “Vhat do you mean?”
                “She has to go to vork now and vill be late because she has to go home and change clothes.”
                “Zhen she should just leave some clothes here.”
                “You have to tell her.” Ludwig said.
                “Tell her vhat?”
                “Zhat you love her, and if you don’t zhen you should let her find someone who does.” Ludwig got up and left to start his day, leaving a confused Prussian to plot at the kitchen table.

                The next day, Gilbert found you at the park. You were with a few of those friends he vaguely remembered seeing at the pub, and his confidence wavered. He couldn’t say it in front of them! But he had to say it now, his brother was right. He remembered how you were talking to his brother in German at the kitchen table, and brightened. Your friends wouldn’t know how to speak German!
                He strode out and stood in front of you, stopping your entire group.
                “Hey aren’t you-” one of them started but you cut them off.
                “Ich liebe dich . Ich weiß, ich habe nicht immer gehandelt , wie ich sollte , und ich weiß, dass Sie jemanden, der Sie sie nach Hause zu tragen macht verdient , aber Ich liebe dich. Ich tue. Ich liebe dich.”(7)
                Your brows furrowed in confusion, Gilbert knew you didn’t speak German, he always made fun of you for it, he had to know that you and Ludwig were just joking around. But he looked so serious, you didn’t think you’d ever seen him this focused on something before, you wish you understood.
                “Gil I-” You hesitated, it would embarrassed him if you said you didn’t speak German in front of all your friends, and you knew it would take a while for him to get over his bruised pride. But even so, this still looked like the wrong this to say as his face turned cold and he stormed away. You tried to follow, but lost him as he turned a corner. “Gil? Gilbert!” You yelled, ignoring the strange looks people gave you.
                Gilbert didn’t come back.
                You went to his house, deciding to wait there until he came back. Surprisingly, Ludwig was there.
                “Ludwig, did Gil come home?” You asked.
                “No, vhy?”
                “He came to me in the park and said something in German, and then stormed off! I have no idea what he said! I don’t speak German!”
                “Vhat did it sound like?” Ludwig had a suspicious feeling he knew what his brother had done.
                “I don’t know, there was this one phrase he said a lot. Erm…. Eech Leebe Dich? Is that right?” You asked, frantic to know what was wrong with Gilbert.
                “Ich liebe dich?” Ludwig asked.
                “Yeah, that’s it! What does it mean?” You asked.
                Ludwig chuckled, and began writing on a piece of paper. He gave it to you, it was written entirely in German. “Ludwig, I don’t speak German.” You said, why was no one grasping this? You. Did. Not. Speak. German.
                “I know, I’m going to teach you how to say it, and zhen you are going to say it to my idiotic bruder.”
                You were confused, but knew that Ludwig would't make a joke out of this. You copied the words as he said them, and focused on remembering how they sounded.
                “There’s no way I can memorise this.” You said.
                “Just read off zhe paper, he vill understand.”
                “Why can’t you say it?” You asked, exasperated at the German lesson.
                “Trust me, he vants zhis to come from you.”  


                You found him, finally. He was leaving a coffee shop and froze when he saw you. You could tell he was about to bolt so you quickly held the paper in front of you and began reading. “Gilbert, auf mich hören. Ludwig hat das für mich geschrieben , und ich habe keine Ahnung, was ich jetzt sage. Ich spreche kein Deutsch , so beenden , ein Baby und mir sagen Sie mir in Englisch lieben.” (8)
                You looked up at him and saw a warm expression on his face. He took steps towards you and softly took the paper from your hand. “Mein bruder wrote zhis for you?”
                “Yeah, he said you’d want to hear it from me. Gilbert what’s going on?”
                Gilbert chuckled, “Ich liebe dich.”
                “What does that mean?”
                “I love you.” He said quietly, meeting your eyes. Your lips parted in a silent gasp, he loved you back. You had to say it, you had to tell him! You willed yourself to say the words but your mind was frozen. Gilbert seemed to understand, and took a chance.
                His lips pressed softly against yours, his hands ghosting on your shoulders. It was a question, a test, one that you were ready to answer whole heartedly.
                You gripped his shirt and pulled him down, kissing him full on. When you pulled back you couldn’t stop smiling, and then the two of you burst out laughing. Quieting down, he softly linked his fingers with yours and then kissed you once more.
                He was eccentric, and outrageously Prussian. He was moody and his diet was limited to beer and ‘wurst’. His silver hair and crimson eyes made a scene in any crowd, but somehow, his hand fit perfectly with yours and you wouldn't have it any other way.

(1) that feels nice.
(2) keep going.
(3) quit squirming, just go to sleep.
(4) good, how was your breakfast?
(5) same as always.
(6) Bye Gil, goodbye Ludwig, thank you for breakfast.
(7) I love you. I know I haven't always acted like I should have, and I know you deserve better than someone who makes you carry them home, but I love you. I do. I love you.
(8) Gilbert, listen to me. Ludwig has written this for me, and I have no idea what I'm saying right now. I don't speak German, so quit being a baby and tell me you love me in English.

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