Tuesday 12 August 2014

Sasuke Uchiha one shot - Tempting dresses and determined shoes

Felt like I should give Sasuke another shot and try making something worthwhile for him... here goes! PS, if you can't tell, he never left the Leaf Village in this story, he's just chilling there with Naruto and the gang, being his angry sullen self.
I might also write a lemon for this one, not sure yet, I'll see if I get around to it
Read, comment, and Enjoy!

                Bianca was new to the leaf village. She had recently moved from Iwagakure, well, not really moved. She had applied to be a ‘live-in envoy’ to the Leaf village. She didn’t want to be in Iwagakure, and they didn’t want her. It was a perfect solution for everyone. She never really fit in there, too much independent thought to be an Iwa-nin. Her affinity for water and lightning release only increased her alienation. Never the less, she was still proud to be born of Stone, and didn’t appreciate people talking crap about her home village.
                Here in the Leaf Village, she was experiencing a friendly acceptance that she had never even dreamed of, and frankly, she was wary of it. People weren’t this nice unless they wanted something out of her. She was a strong ninja, and had intimate knowledge of the inner workings of Iwagakure, maybe they wanted information? She found solace in people like Shikamaru and Neji. They didn’t go out of their way to accommodate her, they weren’t overly happy and friendly, they were more her type of people.
                She had been there for about two weeks, and had grown used to the type of people here. She had also fixated her eye on a certain shinobi in particular. Uchiha Sasuke. He barely spoke to anyone, he barely did anything that wasn’t forced by Naruto. She’d scarcely said two words to him in passing, but she couldn’t help her fascination. Maybe it was her stubborn Hidden Stone upbringing, but she was determined to make him talk to her.
                She had observed Ino and Sakura in their tactics, but then realised they were amateurs. They were treating Sasuke like that little boy they’d grown up with, idolising him like the cool kid in the playground. They were in fault because they treated him like a child, she would succeed because she would treat him like a man. 
                “Bianca, you’re coming to the festival tonight right?” Sakura asked.
                “Yeah.” Bianca replied, she was actually excited. She had heard of Leaf festivities and couldn’t wait to see them for herself. In the Hidden Stone, everything was budgeted and dark.
                “Want to come over to my place to get ready? All the girls are.”
                “Sure.” Bianca was once again thrown back by this genuine kindness that seemed to be built in to every Leaf shinobi.
                Later, she stood at the door to Sakura’s house, and was surrounded by the half-dressed squealing group of girls.
                “What are you going to wear?”
                “I bet it’s gorgeous.”
                “What are you doing your hair like?”
                She was surrounded by questions and she laughed, “Well I am technically an envoy from Iwagakure, so I thought hey, why not show it.” She unveiled her dress and there was a hush of silence before they all started squealing and laughing again.
                When they were all ready, they set off to the festival. Bianca knew that she was the stand-out of the group, but that was the point wasn’t it? She would show the pride of her people and catch a certain Uchiha’s eye with one great dress.     
                Kiba was stood around with his teammates, waiting for the girls to show up in one huge group like always. He heard their giggling and turned to look, and was floored. Bianca was stood with them, but she looked so different.
                She was wearing a dress that was obviously a tribute to the uniform of her home village. It had one long, flowing bell sleeve and left her other shoulder bare. The body hugged her form, before flowing out at her waist and trailing off with an asymmetrical bottom. The entire dress was bright red. Her hair was twisted to one side where it lay over her shoulder. She was wearing strappy black heels that bumped her up extra inches and made her stand taller. Kiba was sure he wasn’t the only one staring. Fortunately, he was one of the ones who had befriended her these past few weeks, and so he walked on over.
                Bianca shrieked as Kiba lifted her and spun her. “You look fantastic.” He said, letting her down. Her eyes glinted, and he knew that she was planning something.
                The night progressed quickly, and soon they were all heading to a club to dance the rest of time away. Kiba outstretched his hand, “dance with me?”
                She accepted with a grin and he whirled away.
                “What are you up to?” He asked as they danced. He saw her grin, and her eyes involuntarily flickered to a wall. Kiba quickly glanced, and saw Sasuke slouched there, obviously unhappy with the whole situation he was dragged to.
                He looked back and saw the flash of determination and challenge in her eyes and agreed to himself, if anyone could get Sasuke, it would be someone like her.
                After the dance he left her to stand by Naruto, who was conveniently stood next to Sasuke.
                “Having fun?” Naruto asked him.
                Kiba nodded through his drink, “just finished dancing with Bianca, man that girl is fine.”
                Naruto nodded enthusiastically, “oh yeah, she’s probably the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen.”
                “I don’t think pretty is the word you wanted there Naruto, try gorgeous, sexy, fiery.” He leaned forward to talk to Sasuke, “what do you think?”
                “I think it’s irrelevant.”
                “Yeah right. Admit it, the girls a wildcat. You’re watching her right now!” Naruto followed Sasuke’s gaze and sure enough, it landed on the dancing vixen in the red dress. Sasuke refused to answer, but he also didn’t take his eyes off her.


                “Coming to the beach tomorrow?” Sakura asked, poking her head into Bianca’s bedroom.
                “You have a beach! I’ve never been to a beach before!”
                “We don’t have them up in the mountains! I don’t have any swimming stuff or anything.”
                Sakura’s eyes lit up, “shopping!”
                She quickly gathered Ino and pushed Bianca off to the shops, only to walk by a confused Kiba. He caught up to them, “Where you guys going?”
                “Shopping for the beach tomorrow.” Ino sang.
                “Oh, mind if I tag along? I can provide insight.”
                There was a chorus of perverted insults thrown at him but Bianca cut in, “that’d be great, thanks for the help Kiba.” When Ino and Sakura turned incredulous glares on her Bianca said in a quieter voice, “he can carry things and watch our stuff while we change.”
                Kiba however, had another idea. While Ino and Sakura were in another isle he slid over to Bianca. “Not that one.” He nodded at the swimsuit she was holding.
                “No?” she asked amused.
                He shook his head, “Sasuke likes you in red.”
                Her eyes widened before she smirked, “oh he does?”
                “You should have seen him the other night, I think you were one dance move from making him palm himself right then and there.”
                Bianca felt herself straighten at the odd compliment. She browsed the walls, until she felt a nudge on her shoulder. Kiba held out a skimp of red cloth, and saw her face darken a bit.
                “Never worn anything that small?” He asked brazenly, “go on, try it on.” She took it and pulled the curtain closed. Moments later she pulled it open and a lecherous grin formed on Kiba’s face.
                “That’s it, that’s the one.” He said.
                She pulled the curtain closed, and Kiba found himself enjoying playing his part in this plan of hers. Not only because he got to walk around and watch her try on a bunch of sexy clothes, he genuinely liked hanging out with her. Mainly, he liked this plan because in his personal opinion, Sasuke needed to grow up, get laid, and crawl out of that emo hole he lived in.


                The next day they reached the beach, everyone was there. Naruto had managed to pull Sasuke along as usual, and now was time for the unveiling. The girls all pulled up their shirts and ran into the water, splashing as they went while the boys finished carrying and setting up. Bianca stood tall in the sand, and slowly she pulled the long shirt over her head and let it fall on her towel.
                Looking over her shoulder, she saw Sasuke’s dark eyes on her, and gave him a sly wink as she carried on into the water.
                Kiba looked at Sasuke, and knew that he needed just one final push. Looking at Bianca’s retreating form, he admired the confidence she oozed. Yesterday in the store, she had withered under his gaze, but now she stood tall. The red bikini hugged her figure, and left little to the imagination, and it was definitely not anything she would have worn in Iwagakure. As she walked away, her hips swung lazily, drawing eyes to her round behind. He bolted after her and swept her off her feet spinning her around and -ignoring her shrieks- he threw her into her the water. She stood up and playfully glared at him, and Kiba knew they’d won. Water was dripping from her curvaceous body, and looking back, he saw that Sasuke was gone.
                The sun went down, and everyone started to leave, everyone except Bianca. She wasn’t done with this beach, this water, this horizon. It was her first time at a place like this, and she was nowhere near ready to leave.
                She lay on her towel, still in that red bikini with a large t shirt thrown over it. She was relaxing in the fading sun when a shadow blocked out her light. Opening her eyes, she saw Sasuke stood above her. She sat up quickly, “Sasuke, I thought you all left.”
                “What is your intention?”
                She stood, feel better when she was closer to eye level. “What do you mean?”
                He walked forward, forcing her back into the large rock behind her.
                “Wearing that dress. Wearing that…” his eyes darted to the red he could see through the shirt “set of scraps. Walking in those shoes, dancing with Kiba. Swimming with Kiba.” His voice lowered, and his face was close to hers. “Was this your plan? Do you enjoy tormenting me?”
                He cut her off, smothering her voice with his lips. He pressed her against the rocks, wrapping his hands in her hair and pulling her head back to let him capture her bottom lip. Her hands slithered up his chest, one of them stayed at his neck while the other pulled at the base of his hair.
                His lips moved to her neck, pulling at her skin. She let out a moan, and felt him smirk against her skin. Hands pulled at her thighs, and obediently she wrapped them around his muscular waist. She barely even registered when he started walking. She was so caught up in the feel of his lips pressed against hers, the firmness of his arms as her fingers clutched for balance. She felt herself be tipped forward and then she crashed in the water.
                She surfaced, spluttering and wiping hair from her eyes, She looked up to yell at Sasuke when she saw him laughing, and it was the most beautiful sight. Before she could say something stupid and ruin the moment, she swept his legs from under him and he came crashing down on top of her. He emerged, dripping wet, and with a playful growl he lunged at her, both of them letting go of worries and submerging themselves in each other.


                “Hey Sasuke! Gai Sensei says he’s developed a new training regime that-” Naruto burst into Sasuke’s bedroom and turned to stone. Sasuke was laying on his bed on top of a very flushed Bianca, and Naruto couldn’t stop his eyes from burning the image into his memory. Sasuke’s shirt was lying in a crumpled heap on the floor, and Bianca’s dress was hiked up around her creamy thighs. As much as he tried to erase the image, Naruto could only see one of Sasuke’s hands which was holding up his weight by Bianca’s head, the other arm trailed down her body until it disappeared under her dress… Her parted lips were swollen and bruised.
                “Naruto.” Sasuke’s low voice broke Naruto’s concentration from looking at the ceiling, and his eyes flashed to Sasuke, and how his forearm was tensing and eliciting a gasp from his bed-mate. “Get out.”

                Naruto fled the room, burning the image of Sasuke atop an arching, moaning Bianca. A life lesson had been learned, knock, always knock before entering a room.   


  1. Kiba is the best wingman EVER! And hmm, Naruto implied that he was trying to prevent the image from burning into his memory, but he noted that Bianca had "creamy thighs". Yeah, I see you, Pervy Sage Jr.! LOL!
