Tuesday 6 January 2015

Makoto Tachibana one shot - Coffee?

                The individual races were finished, only the relay was left, this was it. The wait was almost over to see who would be making it to nationals. Iwatobi’s swim team were gathering, now only waiting on one very tall, green eyed swimmer.
                “Who’s that?” Nagisa asked suddenly, pointing over near the stands.
                Makoto was stood there, swim trunks still dripping and towel draped around his neck. However, Nagisa was more curious about the person he was talking to. He was looking down at someone, a girl who none of the boys from Iwatobi had seen before. Nagisa, Rei, and even Haru watched on in interest as the girl looked up at Makoto.
                “You er… Swam really well out there.” She said nervously.
                “Thanks,” he replied, “it’s because someone was cheering really loud for me.”
                A fan of red coated the very tips of her cheeks, but she smiled.
                “Sounds like you’ve got quite the fan base.”
                They chuckled.
                By this time Rin had walked up to join Haru, and was also watching the conversation with keen interest.
                “But I have to go really soon,” she said, “Coach Sasabe couldn’t spare me for long, I just couldn’t miss your race. See you around Makoto.” She turned and took a step, then stopped, looked back at him. She half turned, and then took another step away from him.
                “Are you alright Ava?” Makoto asked, smiling.
                “Do you want to go for coffee sometime?” She blurt out. “Or tea, or … protein juice?”
                “Protein juice?” he asked laughing.
                “Well I don’t know what swimmers are supposed to drink!”
                “That sounds great.”
                She smiled, going to walk away again.
                “Ava.” He called, “Could I get your number?
                “… right.” She reminded herself, and handed over her phone so he could put his number in it.
                “Sorry, I’d take your number but my phone is in the locker room…”
                She laughed again, “It’s cool.” She put her phone back in her pocket, “But I really am going to miss my train…”
                “Go, go!” He shooed her away and laughed as she ran off, apologising as she almost knocked a couple of swimmers over as the turned the corner.
                There was a brief moment of silence as Makoto realised what had just happened, and a slow smile began to spread across his face. Then, an arm was slung over his shoulders.
                “Who was she?” Rin wiggled his eyebrows as the other boys gathered around.
                Makoto rubbed the back of his neck and felt the tips of his ears turn red.
                “She’s a swim teacher at IWSC Returns. We haven’t really spoke much but she’s really nice and she’s great with the kids. They all love her.”
                “Do you llliiiiike her?” Nagisa purred, leaning in eagerly.
                Makoto avoided the stares of his friends, “Well… I… er, yeah, I do.”
                Nagisa cheered, dancing around with Rei while Rin ruffled Makoto’s hair, yelling excitedly. Haru was just watching his friends face, and the small smile that lingered there.


                Matako lay on his bed, arms folded behind his head and his feet dangling over the edge. He could hear Ran and Ren laughing and running throughout the rest of the house. He chuckled at the thought of his rambunctious siblings, and then his calm was shattered by a small vibrate from the phone on his nightstand.
                There was a crash as he rolled off the bed in his scramble to get to the phone, and when he finally flicked it open he smiled at the unknown number.
                Hey J
                At the other end of the line, Ava was sat on the edge of her bed, glancing nervously at her phone. She knew it, the smiley face was a bad idea, she should have just asked him what’s up –
                Hi J J
                She breathed a sigh of relief.
                How were the rest of the races?
                Well we made it to nationals with our relay!
                That’s incredible! Wow I’m so proud of you!
                There was a second, and Ava started being nervous again. Why on earth would she say she was proud of him? That’s something a girlfriend would say! Then her phone buzzed;
                Thanks! So… you still up for coffee?
                Ava squealed and clutched the phone to her chest. Technically she’d already asked him out and he’d said yes, so this was not really a surprise, but it still felt so unreal!
                Makoto was laying back on his bed, “Makoto, dinner’s ready.” His mother called as she passed his door.
                “Coming!” He replied, looking at his phone as it buzzed again.
                He grinned at his phone, see you after your shift tomorrow?
                Her reply was almost instant.
Can’t wait.


                Her hair was still damp from the lesson and she’d done the best she could with it, but it still hung in a messy braid over her shoulder.
                “See you next week Coach Sasabe.” She waved but he only smirked back at her.
                “Going on a date are you?”
                She looked at him with wide eyes, “Er-”
                “Nice choice with him, he’s a good guy.” He winked and then turned to talk to some parents, while Ava’s mind was whirling, how did he know-
                “Ava.” She spun around and saw Makoto walking in the doors.
                “Makoto.” She said breathily, “How long have you been waiting.”
                He grinned, knowing he’d been caught. “Not long.”       
                He gestured to the door, offering his arm like a gentleman but with a cheerful laughing spark in his eye. “Shall we?”
                The walk to the coffee shop was calm, exchanges of stories and laughter, but in each of them a current of electricity ran underneath. They’d both been waiting for this for too long, and neither could really believe that it was finally happening.
                “Oh.” She said as they rounded the corner. The shop was full, not a single seat to spare. But Makoto didn’t miss a beat, looking down at her with those smiling green eyes.
                “Coffee to go?”


                The coffee cups had long since been disposed of, and Makoto’s arm had dropped enough that Ava were to reach up a hair’s breath, she would be able to finally clasp his hand in hers. But she didn’t, all of her bravery had been used up when she first approached him at the competition. And he seemed to realise that, having no problem with leading the conversation until her bravery came back.
                “Makoto, are those clouds…?” 
                As if her words were a trigger, Makoto didn’t even get a chance to look up before the rain started plastering down onto them. Ava let out a small squeal at the coldness of it dribbling down her neck. She seemingly forgot her nervousness and grabbed Makoto’s hand, pulling him as she ran for cover.
                The coffee shop was now deserted, but it’s awning was still out, and that is all Ava looked for. She pulled him under and laughed at their dishevelled state. They were soaked, clothes sticking to their bodies and hair plastered to their foreheads.
                She shivered as another fat droplet of water made its way down her spine.
                “I don’t even have a jacket or anything to give you.” Makoto groaned, “I should have checked the weather.” Then he grinned at her, “first the shop being full, now the rain. I seriously think someone’s against us getting coffee.”
                She chuckled, “maybe protein juice was the better option after all.”
                She could probably spend the rest of her days watching him laugh. The way his head fell back and his eyes looked so carefree. He seemed to realise that she was watching him, and his laughter died into something calmer, but powerful.
                He took a step closer, they were almost touching, “Ava.”
                Her name sounded so perfect coming from his lips, lips that were moist from the droplets running from his hair.
                “Makoto.” Her whisper seemed enough, and he began to lean down towards her, her hand reaching up to cup his cheek and brush away a few of those stray droplets. She felt his hand slide to the centre of her back, a warmth spreading from it that had nothing to do with temperature. Bracing herself on her tiptoes, Ava leant up, a clear invitation to banish Makoto’s final doubts.   
                His lips pressed against hers, that unfamiliar warmth spreading faster now, to her toes and to her fingers that were tousled in his hair.
                Then lightning flashed around them, and thunder rumbled the ground beneath their feet.
                “This probably isn’t the safest place to be.” He said with a crooked smile, lacing his fingers with hers and turning to face the rain.
                “Ready?” She challenged, lining up next to him.
                “I’ve been ready for a while.” He admitted, and they both knew that neither of them were talking about the rain, or the storm.
                “And I’m ready for forever.”

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