Wednesday 13 May 2015

Sasuke Uchiha Lemon/Baby Daddy - Lanterns of Starlight - Request

Hey everybody! Here's another Sasuke request, hope it meets your standards! If anyone enjoys this one or wants to ask about a request don't hesitate to go on over to my request/contact page!
read, comment, and enjoy!

                She knew well the hollowness of being alone, of watching her family killed before her eyes. No, Hikari Aino was no stranger to loneliness, which was probably why she understood him so well. She knew the feeling of having no home, of being in a village but feeling like she didn’t belong there. But she was a firm believer in hope, which made all the difference. 
                She hadn’t seen Sasuke in a while, and she felt that old loneliness starting to creep back in. Back when she had first been brought to the Leaf village after the slaughter of her clan from the Snow, she hadn’t quite fit in. She had no family, no village, and no one to stop the tears brimming at her eyes. No one until the quiet dark haired boy had stepped in and stopped the bullies. That was the beginning of a strange but beautiful relationship for them, one that had only blossomed through all of the adversary they had faced.
                But this loneliness was only teasing at the edges of her, because somehow she knew that he was close by. Even though it was a dark night and only the glittering stars lit her path, she knew that he would find her. So it was with a firm belief in the man she loved that she sat on a park bench and waited, leaning back and losing herself in the night sky. She had always loved to watch the night sky, but even more so when she was missing him. It reminded her of him, the pale moon hanging aloof with only the small stars to keep it company. No matter how many stars, nor how they tried, they never managed to get close to the moon, it shone too brightly, stars could not survive near it. Hikari sighed softly, her heart reaching out to it, the moon must be so lonely. Just like she and Sasuke had been before they found solace in one another.
                He didn’t say anything, and moved with that silent grace that he kept at his command. He didn’t approach immediately, simply watched her as she hummed a soft pleasant melody that he was sure he’d heard before.
                But waiting took too long, he’d missed her too. He hadn’t been around to worship her like she deserved, but he was damn well going to make up for that now. Her eyes widened slightly as she saw him stride swiftly to move in front of her, then she spluttered when his mouth crashed against hers. His mouth was hard and unyielding, pulling at her lips feeling himself grow at the gasp he pulled from her.
                “Mmmph… Sasuke-” She murmured when she got a breath of air before Sasuke was back at her, “welcome… home”. In response he forced her backwards, catching her head and laying her down along the bench and moving down her body. She could only stare and hold back the sigh as his slender fingers gripped around her ankle and slowly raised it to his lips, kissing the inside of her calf. His onslaught continued up her leg, his tongue flicking out at the underside of her knee, god, why was that so sensitive-
                His hands wandered past, squeezing at her thighs and she bucked her hips up, ready for him to touch her, but he skipped right over her core. Why did she need him so badly in such a small amount of time, it was embarrassing! But this was Sasuke, he dominated every task he undertook and dominating her like this was no chore. His hot breath blew over her as he kissed up her stomach, unbuttoning her shirt as he went. She bit her lip again but a part of the needy cry escaped, and he only smirked as she glared at him.
                “Don’t hide them from me.” He whispered in her ear, “I need you just as much.” As if to prove his point he rolled his hips into hers, just once, but it was enough for her attention-starved clit. He was hard, he’d obviously been hard for a while, if his lust darkened eyes were anything to judge by.
                “Sasuke pleas-” her voice was muffled again as his fingers crept under her bra and pinched at her nipples. There was not much space between them, his body lay completely over hers and she swore he could feel the pounding of her heart, the way it thudded in time with his.
                “I hear you had some trouble while I was gone.” His words, so strange in their situation, were accompanied by a nip at her ear before he buried his head in her neck and licked at her pulse there.
                “Nothing I couldn’t handle” she gasped back.
                He was silent, continuing his assault on her skin, his hands still moulding at her breasts. But he knew, somehow he always knew. The men had been rude, and vulgar, the type of men that Hikari hated the most. The type of men that Sasuke loved to protect her from but when he wasn’t there…. He worried, and that melted her heart all the more.
                Her hands, previously scrunched in his hair wandered down to cup his manhood, she needed him, the air around them was blistering with desire, her skin was burning for him. The feel of him rocking against her hand provided relief but not nearly enough. He seemed to agree, as his hands left her cold for a moment and shrugged her pants down past her knees but no further. Her legs were restricted this way, but it sent an exciting chill down her spine with the not-so-subtle reminder that they didn’t have the safety of closed doors.
                His fingers slipped against her as he chuckled, “you’re so wet”, but he slipped his fingers in despite her readiness, curling his knuckles and pushing his thumb up against her clit. Her fingers shuddered for a moment as she lost herself in the sensation, but then she was hurrying back to shuffle his pants down his hips and wrapped her hand around the hot cock that sprang to meet her. A low growl left his throat, and then he was lining himself up and sinking thankfully inside her.
                They stayed like that, revelling in finally being united before Sasuke pulled out and sheathed back in, rocking her hips. She could barely buck up against him, restrained by the pants still around her legs that bound her, but Sasuke didn’t seem to mind. If anything, he enjoyed pinning her and ravishing her, knowing that every ounce of pleasure, every cry, every finger curling sensation came from him.
                A park bench wasn’t the best place to make love, it was cold and dark and cramped, and the wood was uncomfortable and rough against her back, but kami, Hikari would never trade this moment for something else. Seeing Sasuke like this, so wild and unrestrained, thrusting against her, his skin hot against hers, it was just so hot and primal.
                He ducked down, nipping at a breast before leaning his forehead against hers, staring into the light brown eyes so different from his own, but that reflected everything he felt for her back at him. She saw all of this and more, feeling it spur her arousal faster and faster-
                “Ah~ Sasuke-”
                She felt the rumbled grunts against her chest and the speeding of his hips then his eyes were squeezing closed as he hilted himself inside her one last time. His hand flew down and twisted at her clit, pulling and rolling and then she was cumming alongside him, the feeling of him spilling within her and his talented fingers combining to drag out her orgasm like the last burn of an ember or a curling wisp of smoke.
                It was moments before either made a sound, and then it was only a breathless chuckle. Still wrapped in the warm blanket of afterglow, they realised how ridiculous their situation was.
                “It’s like we’re teenagers all over again.”
                He smirked, “if I recall, when we were teenagers you-”
                Her hands sprang up to cover his mouth and she felt a slick wetness slide along her fingers and an impish wickedness in his dark eyes. Oh boy she thought as he fixed his clothes and picked her up, sauntering towards a more suitable place to continue. This would be a long night.


                Hikari stood in the doorway quietly, it was a rare moment of peace for her as her three children didn’t often leave her time to relax. Sure she probably be doing mission papers or fixing them a snack they’d no doubt want soon, but she couldn’t tear herself away. The eldest, Sōsuke, was watching the others with a protective-big-brother vibe. They were his siblings, and his childish chest swelled with the need to protect them. The second was Hikari’s only daughter. Sayaka looked a lot like her father, but past the hair and eye colours it was clear that her finer features came from her mother. She was a sweetheart and loved to leave out piles of leaves for the animals to eat. Neither Hikari or Sasuke had the heart to tell her that the wind merely blew the piles away at night, and every morning Sayaka was thrilled to see that yet another animal had sampled from her café. The youngest was Hikaru who was still learning his way in the world and where he fit in with his siblings, but there was an impish side to him that Hikari remembered she had seen in a very young Sasuke.
                Her children laughed and screamed as their father rolled in the grass with them, and Hikari smiled at the sight. Then Sasuke’s eyes flickered up to meet hers and her heart jumped with anticipation. She wasn’t sure what for, for the future, for later that night?
Whatever it was, she couldn’t wait. 

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