Thursday 27 November 2014

Kise Ryota one shot - Dancing in Sunshine

                Michelle groaned as her head hit her desk. All of her classmates were filing out of the room to grab their coats and head home, and usually that’s what she’d be doing too. But today, today she’d got her test back, and it was…. Well it wasn’t good. She stayed there until the halls were quiet, and only then did she move. She felt sluggish, her feet heavy as they dragged along the ground. She fumbled with her lock, messing up the combination three times before finally getting it right.
                Her books fell onto the ground from her locker, and she yelped as one landed on her foot. Ugh, today was not her day. She put everything away slowly, lest her bag zipper break or her binder fall open or anything. So it was a while later that she was actually leaving the school, and naturally, her awful day wasn’t over. The previously clear, sunny day had clouded over, rain was pattering down, and thunder rumbled in the distance.
                And did she have an umbrella? Or rain boots? Of course not. She pulled her phone out of her pocket, careful not to drop it (because today, that seemed to be very likely), and flipped it open to check the time.
                A missed message?
                Heey babe, practice will probably be cut short today, apparently they’ve forecast thunderstorms! So I’ll see you then!
                She’d completely forgotten. What a great girlfriend she was that she’d forgotten to wait for him. She turned to walk towards the gym where Kise and the others would be practicing, or maybe they’d even finished by now, she’d taken that long to get everything ready to leave. She was right, the gym was quiet by the time she got there. Kise was sat on a bench, his golden hair darkened from the shower he’d obviously just taken.
                “There you are,” he said, smiling, “I thought you’d forgotten about me.” He stood, walking over to her, noticing with every step that something was wrong with his normally happy girlfriend. “Michelle?”
                “It’s fine Kise.” She said, not convincing him at all. “I’m just having a bad day.”
                He frowned, he didn’t like it when she was unhappy, especially like this. He placed his bag on the ground, and looked at her.
                “Kise, what are you doing? We have to go before the storm gets worse.” As if on cue, thunder grumbled and lightning flashed through the windows.
                He ignored her, taking the bag from her protesting shoulders and placed it next to his. He looked back at her, taking her hand and lacing her fingers with his. He slowly walked back, pulling her into the middle of the gym. She followed reluctantly. With a quick move he pulled her to him, she stumbled into his chest and looked up at him curiously. He simply smiled down at her, one of those smiles that closed his eyes and brought out the crinkles in the corners. He placed a hand on her waist and then she knew what he was up to.
                But he wasn’t about to let her protest, and he began dancing before she could finish her sentence. He led her, letting her follow him. She was having a bad day, she needed him to take control and give her the rest of her day, to give her something good to think about. And she had to admit, it was working              . She began to laugh as he spun her around, wrapping her fingers with his, and dancing with him. Her heart swelled as she saw his brightened smile that she was feeling better. Honestly, he was too good to her.
                He began to sing loudly, giving them something to dance to, and Michelle couldn’t stop herself from laughing then, singing with him. Suddenly the storm was gone, along with her stubbed tow and her bad test. None of it mattered while she was here, dancing with him.
                The song ended, and he pulled her to him again, their breathing slowing as they caught their breath. He leaned down, simply pressing his lips to hers, feeling her stand on tiptoe to kiss him back.
                “I needed that.” She said, smiling. She couldn’t help it, his grin was infectious. He was so bright, from that sun-gold hair to his very soul, he was perfect.  
                “Anytime.” He said, kissing her again.
                The lightning flashed around them, but neither of them noticed. She had her own piece of happiness, her own piece of sunshine.   

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