Friday 31 October 2014

Sting Eucliffe Lemon - A Not So Secret Encounter

                It was one of those lazy mornings. Sunlight streamed through the light curtains, the spotted pattern filtering onto the bed. Olivia’s limbs were tangled in fabric and the body of a man, a man whose eyes were bleary but alive with mischief. He had been awake for a while, fingers ghosting over the woman in his bed, her naked skin warm against him.
                But ghosting touches didn’t satisfy him for long. Not when the sleeping sighs of his lover were growing louder, not when he could feel himself hardening against her. His teasing fingers found her breasts and cupped them in large hands, but softly. He pressed his chest closer to her back, the contact pleasing her as a soft moan coursed through her parted lips.
                His thumbs gently rolled her nipples, hardening them to stiff peaks under his touch. Lips lowered to her neck leaving light brushes of kisses. He was slow, taking his time with her. His duties as master didn’t leave much time for this, but today he wasn’t going to do a damn thing.
                He rolled his hips slightly, pushing his hardening erection against her bottom, sighing at the warmth of her skin. She still wasn’t awake, but he knew what he was doing to her. His dragon slayer senses were heightened in arousal, and he was surrounded by sensations. The airy breath of his name that passed her parted lips, the rough texture of her standing nipples, the spicy, musky scent of her arousal.
                God he wanted to taste her, run his tongue all over her, worship her like he hadn’t for days. He wanted her to wake up so he could see the full effect he was having on her.
                Gently, he leaned away, letting her roll onto her back. He eased back the blankets, exposing her body to the morning air. Goosebumps erupted on her smooth skin, and her body wracked in shivers as he blew cold air against her. He eased his way down her body, taking his time. His hands were gentle, his touches light. Her hitched breaths and fluttering eyelids showed that she was waking up, but he wasn’t quite finished with this game yet.
                His tongue dragged down her body, his lips pressing in teasing kisses on her stomach, her hips, the inside of her thigh, until his body was nestled between her legs. He pressed his nose to her inner thigh, nuzzling the soft skin there. Her body moved, her eyes blinked open, looking around as if to try and explain the pounding need she felt pulsing through her.
                She found his dark blue eyes and couldn’t look away, blood rushing through her mind, her pulse racing. She bit her lip in anticipation as he smirked.
                He slowly, and gently bit the inside of her thigh. She could feel the sharp points of his canine teeth, but it wasn’t enough to hurt her, just enough to send excitement pooling to her opening, a fact that Sting didn’t miss. His hands wrapped around her thighs as he tilted her body up. She couldn’t be embarrassed, not now when she needed it so badly, not now when he was so close. She could feel his hot breath on her, he was torturing her. Her hips bucked for contact of any sort, but his hands held her tight.
                He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply, “you’re so wet.” He whispered, his voice low and gravelly, like freshly poured cement. She watched, and finally his tongue flicked out, grazing against her swollen clit that was dying for his attention. He didn’t hold back after that, he’d meant to of course, he’d meant to tease her to an inch of her life, he’d meant to watch her as she writhed on the bed and begged for him, but he couldn’t help himself. He could never get enough of her taste, his mind was solely bent on devouring her, body and soul.
                Her body arched as his tongued delved deep inside her. Her hands wound in his hair, pushing him closer. Her hips tilted, forcing him deeper. He groaned at the tugs on his hair and her sexy moans filling the heavy air around them, he was rock hard now, and was desperate for relief.
                He let her go and she slumped back to the mattress, panting as Sting climbed up her body. She felt his cock against his stomach and heard his deep breaths as he rocked against her. She lifted her head to press her lips to his, a precious need running through them both. They wanted to stay here, in the cloud of bliss and ecstasy, drawing out the pleasure forever. There were voices that passed the door, faint knocks and requests for Stings attention, but the couple barely heard them. This was more important.
                When they began to pay attention, it was because a very loud voice bellowed through the door, “Sting! Get up! It’s afternoon! If you don’t then I’m going to knock this door down!”
                Sting met his lover’s eyes, which were startled and wide. If Orga broke down the door then he would see them both naked, and him rock hard.
                Sting scrambled out of bed, cursing the blankets tangled around his feet.
                He grabbed her hand and pulled her up, a finger on his smiling lips as she fought to muffle her giggles.
                Sting hurriedly locked the door to his en-suite bathroom, just in time as he heard the splintering of wood that could only be his bedroom door.
                Olivia turned the knobs of the shower and Sting was saved by the heavy sound of falling water.
                “I’m about to take a shower, what do you want?” He called through the door.
                “Open the door or I’ll break this one too!”
                Sting glanced back and Olivia, standing there, beautifully naked and patiently waiting for the fucking he’d promised her. She nodded that he should deal with Orga first.
                He opened the door a crack, only his face visible as he tilted his body out of the way.
                “Oh Rufus, you’re here too.”
                “Rogue will be here in a minute too, we were supposed to have a meeting! The Fairy brats are coming today!”
Damn. Sting had forgotten entirely. Still, it would be fine. He opened his mouth to speak but only let out a groan as a hot tongue curled around his erection. His eyes flashed, his throat closed, what was he saying? Rufus looked at him strangely, Orga hadn’t seemed to notice yet. He felt Olivia move, felt her throat engulf him and constrict around him. His hand tightened on the door handle while another moved to fist in her hair, but he didn’t have the restraint to pull her away.
“About Fairy Tail, just tell them to make themselves at home, it’s not like business ever gets done with them around anyway right?”
“I suppose…”
“What happened to the door?” Rogue walked in, Frosche and Lecter at his sides. Sting swallowed, keeping his face as straight as possible as Olivia’s hands joined her mouth in attending to him.
“Orga broke it down.” Sting said, his voice slightly strained as his dick hit the back of Olivia’s throat and she swallowed around him. He saw Rogue’s cheeks flush, and knew that Rogue knew. He knew what was going on in the bedroom, behind the bathroom door, he knew that Sting was not alone. He was a dragon slayer too, he could smell the heady scent of sweat and arousal, could see the strained slant in Sting’s eyebrows. He knew his friend well.
“Well, why don’t you er… finish your shower?” He said timidly, averting his eyes.
Sting grinned cheerfully, amused at his friends reaction. “I’ll let you take care of Fairy Tail.”
Rogue nodded and left the bedroom, the others trailing after him. Sting didn’t even wait for them to be out of earshot before he slammed the door closed and leaned back against it, twisting his other hand in her hair as he succumbed to her. She looked up at his with cheeky, laughing eyes. She knew what she was doing. She let him go, and watched as furious eyes looked down at her. But not furious in anger, furious with desire, with need. The table’s had turned, she had the upper hand now, and he was determined to get it back.
He reached for her, but she darted away, just out of his reach. That coy smile still played on the edge of her lips as she opened the glass door to the shower cubicle and stepped inside. He followed her, jerking open the door and closing it behind him. The water was warm as it hit his body, but he didn’t think about it. His shower was big enough for two people, but only just. He took an extra step forward, his chest pushing her forward, pressing her into the cold tile.
She squirmed and wriggled, trying to escape and dart back into the warm water, but Sting was prepared. He flipped her, pressing her back to the wall and crushing himself against her. She gripped his biceps to steady herself on the slippery floor, looking to glare at him for almost making her fall. But then his mouth was on hers and he was sheathing himself inside her and she couldn’t be angry. Not when he was loving her so fully. He grunted as he her leg curled around his waist, pulling him tighter and deeper. Their kisses were sloppy, but this wasn’t a time for perfection. They were racing towards their finish. Her back arched away from the tiles, breasts pushing into his chest. Balancing herself on tiptoes she clung to him as he thrust harder, faster, until it was over with a rush of heat and electricity that coursed through them both.
It was a while before either of them got out of that shower. They wasted time with shampoo and kisses and hushed laughter, heads still swimming in the afterglow of long awaited sex.

*** Extended Ending ***
                “Hey Sting! Where are you? We were supposed to battle!”
                An angry Natsu was storming around the Sabertooth Guild, making his way up to where Sting’s room should be. Lucy and Wendy were with him, probably to make sure he didn’t do any damage to the building.
                Natsu found a door that had been smashed to splinters, and walked inside. He could hear the shower running, and the faint sound of… giggles? That’s when his nose perked up, and he realised what was going on.
                “Natsu?” Lucy asked as he turned and walked away. “What about your fight?”
                “I’ll find him later…” He answered weakly.
                “Wha-?” Lucy had been following Natsu for half an hour, he’d been so pumped up for this fight. She cast a glance over to Wendy, and saw the same expression. “What’s going on?”
                “Sting-san is… erm…” Wendy blushed at the thought, and simply resolved to taking Lucy’s hand and pulling her away from the room.
                They would find him later, much later.               

Saturday 25 October 2014

Gray Fullbuster one shot - The Weakness of Wind

                You never meant to get yourself into situations like this, they always just sort of happened. Your mind usually raced far beyond what you could comprehend and you were always left reeling. It would come up with an elaborate plan and put it into motion, giving you enough bravery for the first step, and the first step only. Then your resolved fizzled out when you realised your mind had glossed over the middle stages, and you were left trying to fix the mess you had gotten yourself into.
                Today you were sat with Lucy as she ate her breakfast, clutching a piece of paper to your chest. This wasn’t just any paper. This was a job request in the mountains. It involved crossing hazardous rivers, surviving in the cold, climbing shining ice faces. Obviously, it was a dream come true of a job for a certain ice mage. And that’s why you had taken it. You knew the ice mage had seen it, and that he’d wanted it. Now that you had it, he would either have to give up on the mission or come with you. Simple as that, and you knew in your heart he wouldn’t give up this mission no matter how much you might want him to, now that you realised that it was working.
                Lucy was laughing at you. “Don’t look so upset, your plan’s actually working this time.”
                “I don’t want a plan.” You muttered, “I want to go home and never come out.”
                “Well the Master has already approved you for this job, so you have to go.”
                “Maybe if I head out now I can get far enough away before he gets here…” With this new plan in mind you turned in your seat only to see the door open, and then your heart dropped. Of course Gray had to arrive at this very second.
                He walked over to the request board and skimmed it, his forehead creasing as he realised his dream job was gone.
                You groaned as you saw Jet point in your direction. Gray began to turn and you quickly looked back to Lucy who was muffling her giggles.
                “Shut up!” You hissed at her.
                “Hey Lucy, Hi Sarah.” Your heart missed a beat as you realised it was only Natsu and Happy who sat down. Great, more witnesses to your humiliation. You heard footsteps behind you and you cringed. The footsteps stopped.
                “Hey Sarah, How’s it going?”
                Slowly you turned in your seat to look up at Gray, who was stood towering over you. “Oh hi Gray… I’m alright, nothing special.”
                “I heard you took the job in the mountains? Doesn’t really seem like your kind of thing.”
                You winced as Lucy kicked you from under the table, probably her version of encouragement. “Er… well I don’t have much experience up there, I thought I should start taking missions so I’m… ready.” You finished lamely, kicking yourself in your mind.
                “Well do you mind if I come along?” He asked, “I haven’t been up there in a while.”
                “Oh yeah,” You said, attempting breeziness but knowing that your voice was probably coming out as gurgled clumps. “Yeah no problem.”
                “Great,” he said, “want to leave tomorrow morning so we can get the most light?”
                “Sounds good,” you squeaked. He bid his goodbyes to his friends and walked out of the guild. Turning back to your table, you saw Lucy giving you a thumbs up and Natsu staring at you with wide eyes. Happy had his sly grin, “you lllllllllike him.” He purred.
                “Shut up Happy.” You hissed, only making them laugh at you.
                “Gray? Seriously?” Natsu exclaimed. You glared at him and Lucy pulled him back down to the table from where he had stood in surprise.
                “She’s liked him for forever!” Lucy said conversationally and you dropped your forehead to the table, covering your head with your arms. “And I keep telling her he likes her back but she won’t believe me.”
                “Lucy,” you said, lifting your head from the table, “did that conversation seem like it was between two people who like each other? No it didn’t. I might as well go live with Juvia…”
                “This sounds like a mission!” Natsu said, leaping up onto the table, Happy flying around at his shoulders.
                “Natsu get down!” You said, seeing that everyone was looking.
                “We will get the two of you together! No matter what it takes! Operation Sarah-Gray is a go!” Natsu pumped his fist in the air and Happy cheered. Lucy laughed and onlookers chuckled. You lay your head back on the table, dignity flying into the air.


                Now Gray didn’t understand why everyone always lumped him in with having the same dense brain as Natsu. Of course he knew that Sarah liked him, and of course he liked her back. He just never found the right time to do anything about it. But this mission, just the two of them up in the glittering mountains, he was sure he’d think of something.


                “Are you sure this is the right way Gray?” Sarah asked, shivering. She was freezing, the coat seemed to be doing nothing.
                “Yeah, I’m sure.”
                Sarah followed numbly, her booted feet trudging through thick fluffy snow. Her nervousness around Gray had been replaced with irritation for the mountains, she wasn’t suited to be up here. But she had to admit, Gray flourished. She looked up to check where he was, and tripped face first into the snow.
                She heard a loud peal of laughter, then, “You ok Sarah?”
                “No! It’s down my shirt and on my neck and in my boots! It’s so cold! I hate snow!”
                Gray’s expression softened, and he took pity on her. “I see a cave up there, we can rest there for the night.”
                Sarah’s eyes lifted hopefully to see this cave, and her heart sunk. “I am not climbing a frozen waterfall.”
                “You don’t have to, see?” Gray made glittering steps of ice for them, but Sarah shook her head.
“Gray that’s ice! I’ll fall off. No, I’ll do it my way.”
                Now Gray was excited, he didn’t often get to see her magic, but he loved it.
                “Gemstone make, staircase!”
                A thin staircase appeared next to his own which he let fade away. He loved how her gems glimmered in the fading sunlight, like they had a light of their own which blossomed from inside. Her magic was so similar to his own, maker magic.
                By the time they reached the cave, the sun had disappeared and they were shrouded in darkness.
                “Gemstone make, cave dweller.”
                Grey watched as a small gem grew from the ground in front of them. It was like her other gems, but somehow different. It seemed to pulse, like a heartbeat, casting a wash of dim light around them. He was grateful, he hadn’t wanted to sit in the dark the whole night.
                “Can you block off the entrance with gemstones? I want to make a fire but this wind won’t let up.”
                She did as he asked, and soon a little fire was flickering away, Sarah huddled around it.
                “So… you’ll want to let your clothes dry.” He said, watching her eyes turn to him, “trust me, being up here in wet clothes is an awful idea.”
                She grumbled, but knew he was right. She shrugged out of her coat, placing it on one side of the fire and went to take off her soaked shirt, “Gray! Turn around!” He chuckled, but looked away as she continued to undress to the bare minimums. The gemstone door reflected the heat of the fire back into the cave, making them a cosy pocket of warmth. But Sarah wasn’t warm yet, she’d been out in the cold so long, it felt like icicles had formed around her bones, keeping her cold and shivering. Not the blanket around her, not even the fire could stop her chattering teeth.
                “Here, let me help.” Gray said, lifting the blanket and sitting next to her, closing it back around them. Sarah was frozen again, but in a way that had nothing to do with the cold. Gray had been shirtless from the minute he saw the snow, and she’d always assumed that Gray’s body was cold, but she was so wrong. If anything, it seemed to burn hotter to chase away the cold. His arm wrapped around her bare shoulder, pulling her tight against him. “See, much better.” He said cheerfully, but Sarah could only nod. Her nervousness was back in full force, what should she say, she had to say something! She couldn’t just sit here like a mute the whole time, Gray would think she was weird! Her mind was working overtime, but all thoughts had left her. The only thing she could think of was the arm on her shoulder, and the thumb rubbing small burning circles into her skin.       
                “So why did you take this mission Sarah?” He asked slyly. Of course he knew the reason, and she was pretty adorable like this, but he wanted to see the Sarah he saw around Lucy and Natsu.
                “I told you.” She stammered, “to get used to high mountain areas.”
                “And how’s that going for you?”
                She fumed, he was making fun of her!
                “Because honestly,” he continued, “I don’t think that’s why you came up here.” He looked at her and she couldn’t stop herself from meeting his gaze, “Tell me if I’m wrong, but I think you came up here to have some alone time with me.”
                Her heart stopped. He knew. This was mortifying. How did he know? Natsu… Natsu must have said something! Oh no! She wanted to melt into a puddle…
                “And if I’m right, then I’m glad. Because I did the exact same thing.”
                She was still frozen, what did he just say? He couldn’t…. there’s no way… that would mean that he liked her back!
                “You… you mean…?” She stammered, heart thudding back into action and pounding away like a sledgehammer.
                “I do.” He answered back, corners of his lips tilted up in a smirk. And then she realised, this whole thing wasn’t her plan, not this time. It was Grays!!
                His arm on her shoulder curled, pulling her into him. His other hand reached up to brush her hair. The blanket fell from around them, but Sarah barely felt it, she was warm. Warm with the burning trails of Gray’s hands, warm with the lips that pressed against hers.
                She wasn’t nervous, not anymore. Her lips boldly melded to his, her hands reaching up to tangle in his hair as her body pressed against his. His tongue swept over her lip, and she barely thought before letting her tongue rush out to meet him. His hand cradled her head, curling in her hair and pressing her closer to him.
                They broke with laboured breathing, and their silence was broken with a squeal as Sarah realised Gray could see her practically naked body since the sheet had fallen away. She scrambled to grab it and cover herself but Gray nabbed it first. He settled it around the two of them, before guiding her to the floor of the cave. “Sleep now, we’ve got a big day ahead of us.” He said. His hand slid over her bare skin and pressed flat on her stomach, pulling her back against his chest as he curled himself around her.
                Sarah smiled, lacing her fingers with Gray’s and snuggling closer. The wind howled and the mountain hail battered at the gemstone covered entrance to the little cave. The small fire died out in the night and the cold crept back in, but Sarah didn’t notice. She had her own protection from the cold.

Laxus Dreyar Lemon - Releasing Lightning

                “Laxus, this is Aliya.” Mirajane introduced them, “She’s new to Fairy Tail, and we’d like you to get her settled in the area.”
                “Not likely.” He said gruffly, not turning around. He knew what the women mages were like. They were crazy like Erza, or drunks like Cana. Even Mirajane was too delicate. No, Laxus was not interested in working with the women of Fairy Tail.       
                “This isn’t a request, Laxus.” That was the Master.
                “I won’t be a bother.” A new voice said, a voice that had to be Aliya. Laxus turned with a grumble, and his eyes settled on the new mage. He had to admit, she was a bomb. Her hips curved in the right places, and her small waist flowed up to the swell of her breasts. Her curled brown hair tumbled over her shoulders and light brown eyes looked at him through thick lashes, amused as if she knew where his thoughts were.
                “She will stay with you until suitable housing can be found, and will accompany you on your missions.” Mirajane said.
                “So I’m babysitting.” Laxus summarised, not breaking eye contact with Aliya who grinned and answered,
                Mirajane and the Master left to let them get better acquainted.
                “So what’s your magic?” He asked.
                “I can see into the minds of others.” She said, “I’m still working on it, it’s more useful for infiltration and stuff.” Laxus grunted. He could see how it could be useful, but it didn’t really seem all that powerful. “And yours is….?” She trailed off.
                “Dragon Slayer, Lightning.”
                “No way! That’s so cool!” He looked over at her with an eyebrow raised and she composed herself. “I mean, that’s interesting.”
                He grinned, “Come on, we’ll look for a house for you later.”
                Aliya followed him out of the guild and to a house that was just around the corner. Stepping inside, she looked around curiously. “It’s really… bare.” She said. Shelves were bare, the walls were empty.
                “I’m on missions most of the time.” He answered, shrugging his coat off.
                “Sounds exhausting.”
                “Well what did you do with your time then?” He turned to look at her and saw that she had spread out on his couch.
                “Well I’m from Phantom Lord right? So we just messed around between missions.”
                “You’re from Phantom Lord?” He asked, shocked. He couldn’t imagine her in that guild, at all!
                “Yeah, when we were kids my friend wanted to join them really badly so I just followed along. But I’ve grown tired of them, they’re not very nice people so I came here.” She said it so breezily, Laxus had a hard time believing that she just upped and left Phantom Lord… but it didn’t really matter.
                She stayed in his house for a few days, and Laxus was honestly having a hard time. It wasn’t that she was loud or irritating or made a mess of his house, because she was none of that. It was subtler things, like the fact that she didn’t bring any clothes from Phantom Lord so she was walking around his house in one of his t-shirts for pyjamas. It was that she didn’t mind about walking around in a towel after she finished a shower. It was that she was actually a cool person that he could joke around with. Laxus liked her, and he saw this as a problem.
                He wasn’t a relationship kind of guy. He liked to have fun with his girls, and then have them leave him alone, but he was assigned to Aliya. He couldn’t just make her leave, he’d have to stick this one out.
                “Laxus!” She called from the spare bedroom.
                “Could you come here?”
                He got up grudgingly and walked to her room. He leaned against the doorframe and smirked at her. She was stood in her underwear, and he found himself trailing his eyes down those long legs.
                “Laxus!” She said, grabbing his attention, “There’s a, erm… a…”
                “A what?”
                She pointed to the wall of the room above her dresser. Laxus looked and burst out laughing.
                “Ali, that’s a spider! You’re a mage, just kill it!”
                “Lax…” She whined. “I can’t get dressed, it’s on top of my dresser! What if there’s a whole family of them in my clothes?”
                “Well I guess that’s your problem,” he said with a laugh, “because I’m rather fond of that outfit.” He walked back down the stairs, knowing full well that she would follow him. He waited a few seconds before hearing the soft pad of bare feet trail after him.
                “It’s not fair! It’s your house, so you should kill it!”
                “It’s just a spider, let the poor thing live.”
                “Laxus!” She groaned, before dropping on the couch next to him, exasperated. “Well, what will it take for you to kill it?” She asked, a sly edge to her voice that he hadn’t heard before.
                “What are you willing to give?” He asked, his body turned slightly towards her, his arms stretched over the back of the couch.
                “Well…” She purred, as she slowly got up and turned to face Laxus. She placed one knee on the couch, and then another, and then she was straddling him. “How about a better view of this outfit that you love so much?”
                Laxus grinned, his hands coming down and latching on to her hips, pulling her closer to him. He could feel the heat of her body seep through his clothes.
                “How about a kiss?” He asked teasingly.
                “A kiss? That’s a bit greedy.”
                “Well it is a very big spider.” He said mockingly, and he could see the flash of challenge in her eyes. She leaned forward, gently bracing her hands on his chest to steady herself. He could feel her warm breath on his lips but made no move to meet them. She had to do it herself. Her brown eyes met with his once more before flicking down to his lips. She leaned in, finally connecting the two of them together.
                Then everything exploded.
                One of Laxus’ hands tangled itself in her hair, the other pulled her hips close to his as he pressed up into her. They met in a clash of teeth and tongues and strangled moans. Her breaths were harried when they broke apart, her moans louder as Laxus latched onto her neck. She could feel him everywhere, and a sense of excitement awoke in her as she felt him hardening underneath her. She couldn’t make herself turn back, she couldn’t deny how much she wanted this. She rolled her hips, digging into his crotch and felt the vibration of a groan on her neck.
                “Lax, bed.” She managed to get out, but Laxus didn’t seem interested. She pulled on his hair but that only seemed to egg him on as his hands tightened and his lips moved faster.
                “Lax.” She said again, and in a flurry he stood up. She wrapped her legs around his waist as he carried her, his lips meeting hers once again. They made it to the stairs when he pressed her harshly against a wall, loving the breathless gasp that fell from her lips. His hands groped and clenched around her butt cheeks as he held her up, moulding the hot flesh between his fingers. Her legs tightened around him, pressing hard against the stiff confines of his pants and he knew he couldn’t wait much longer. They made it up the stairs in record time and she was thrown on his bed, messing up the covers but neither of them cared.
                Laxus descended on her with a passion, an exchange of lightning with every touch. His lips trailed along her collarbone to her shoulder. He kissed the exposed flesh as he pulled down the strap of her bra. She arched her back for him, allowing him to sneak his hand behind and deftly unclasp the lace. It was thrown to the side, a dull thud as it hit the wall. But Aliya didn’t hear that. She didn’t hear anything but the pounding of blood through her ears and the sound of Laxus as she chanted his name in a whisper. His teeth closed around a nipple, his tongue stretching around and circling the bud. Her head fell back into the pillow and a moan escaped her lips.
                She felt calloused fingers slide down her stomach and pause to caress her hipbones before diving under her panties and stroking her, his fingers curling up into her. He chuckled against her skin as he felt how wet she was, and felt himself pulse painfully as he deprived himself. He needed her, there wasn’t more time to wait, she was ready enough. Her echoed moans of his name told him that.
                He slid the last scrap of cloth from her and it joined the bra on the floor, and then he sat up admiring her. The breathless woman trailed her hand up his chest, loving the way his eyes closed as he revelled in her touch. She skimmed her fingers along hard muscles and toned skin, his shirt moving up with her. Her tongue followed, trailing a path that left him groaning. His shirt was thrown to the side, and then there was an urgency in her nimble fingers as they undid his pants and pushed them down his thighs. He cast them off as he regained control, leaning down over her as he forced her back down on the bed.
                “Ready?” He asked quietly.
                It sent a jolt through her heart that he was checking to make sure she was ok, “yes.” She breathed, and then he sheathed himself inside her. They stayed like that for a moment as they adjusted. It wasn’t her first time, but it had been a while. Aliya was tight and squeezed at his cock. He groaned and buried himself in her neck as her hands descended on thick muscular shoulders. Her hips bucked into him and he took that at a message. He pulled out and rammed back in, setting a pace that kept her gasping.
                Oh god, Lax, just there.
                Her voice seemed to echo in his mind and he couldn’t help it as he leaned to capture her lips, the new angle making their bodies touch at every point. Their groans grew louder with every thrust, every haphazard movement that pushed them towards the edge. He could feel her tightening around him, her eyes flying wide and unseeing to the world around them. She felt only him, she saw only him.
                Lax, I’m-!
                I know he thought back, thrusting twice more before stilling as she clenched around him, bringing his own climax with it.
                He collapsed on top of her, rolling to the side and pulling her to his tired body.
                “Shhh.” He whispered, closing his eyes in the warm afterglow as sleep overcame them.   

*** Extended Ending ***
                It wasn’t quite morning when Aliya woke up to find herself still held to a muscular chest. Tilting her head she saw the spiked blond hair of her sleeping bed-mate. She lightly kissed his chest, light brushes of lips that made him stir.
                “Stop it.” He grumbled.
                She kissed his neck, “why?” she moved one leg over so she was atop him and continued her ministrations. On the inside she was frightened. Was it just a one night stand? Was she supposed to leave when she woke up? She hoped not.
                “Because if you don’t, I’m going to have to take you all over again.” His eyes squinted open to the mischievous eyes above him.
                “I fail to see how that’s a problem.” She said, kissing his lips lightly.
                His hand trailed to her waist and thumbed over a faint bruise that was starting to show through her creamy skin. A bruise shaped familiarly like his hand.
                “Laxus.” She said, forcing him to lock eyes with her. “Fuck me again.”
                Her demand turned him on, there was no lying about that. With a quick turn he was hovered above her, her excited shriek dying as he took her lips.
“If you insist.”