Friday 10 October 2014

Gray Fullbuster Lemon - Prepare for Consequences

Here's a lemon for all you Gray lovers out there!
Read, comment, and Enjoy!

                “Damn it Gray! Couldn’t you keep your clothes on? Your nakedness almost cost us that job!”
                “I heard you the first time!”
                “Obviously you didn’t! Or else you wouldn’t have stripped again!” Penny was furious. Gray was a great guy, he really was. She wouldn’t have fallen for him if he wasn’t. It was just the stripping! She didn’t really care that he was ruining missions, it’s that she didn’t want other people to see him without clothes. As creepy and possessive as that sounded. Then a plan popped into her mind. Over the past couple weeks, she’d received hints that Gray liked her back. Little stutters here, stolen glances there… So if he liked her as much as she thought he did, then he should have the same problem with stripping that she had.
                “Fine, keep stripping, but here’s the deal. You strip, then I strip. Got it?” The guild had gone silent, but Penny kept her blue eyes fixed on Gray. “Now you’ll get to see how weird you look when you walk around half naked in public.” She stormed off and everyone’s eyes turned to Gray.
                “Psh, she doesn’t mean it.”


                “Penny!” Her strawberry blond hair was over one shoulder, and her blue eyes were laughing at him.
                “I told you, you strip, I strip.”
                She was walking around the guild in a matching underwear set, and many of the men were ashamed to admit that they were staring at her.
                “Put some clothes on!”
                “Why Gray?” She asked, “do I look indecent? Is it weird for me to walk around like this?”
                “Quit being such a hypocrite!” She began to walk away, when Gray folded.
                “Alright, alright!” He pulled his shirt over his head and picked up his pants and was in the process of putting them on. “I’m dressed, would you put on some clothes now?”
                She smirked at him, “gladly.” She walked to where she had dropped her clothes and started to put them back on. Gray tore his eyes away from her, and glared at the men who failed to do so. Penny had hit the nail on the head when she had guessed that she liked him, and was equally as right when she assumed that he would have a problem with her stripping.
                Gray appreciated her body. He loved the subtle curve of her hips, the pale glow of her skin. What he didn’t appreciate was other men gawking at it. She waked back over to him, fully dressed and sat down at his table. They ate with their friends, but he couldn’t help but feel that this was only beginning.


                She looked back at him with her blue eyes, and he almost lost it. She was wearing increasingly sexier underwear each time, and it was driving him insane. He couldn’t help the stripping! It was just a part of him! That didn’t mean that everyone should get to gawk at the girl he like wearing nothing but pale green lace.
                His clothes were back on in record time, and he couldn’t accept the smug look she gave him. She wanted to play games? Oh, he’d play games.


                “Gray? What are you doing here?”
                It was late, Penny had just finished baking so her entire house smelt like apples. Grey didn’t answer, walking past her into her living room. She followed him, curious.
                He smirked at her, and slowly, unbuttoned his shirt.
                You strip, I strip.
                Penny caught on immediately, and as soon as his shirt skimmed from his shoulders, she gripped the bottom of her own shirt and pulled it over her head. This bra had to be his favourite. Ice blue, with the lace in the pattern of roses. His jeans were already halfway to the ground when her hands dipped to her own waistband.
                She didn’t see him move, but then she was pressed between his warm, mostly-naked body, and the wall. She felt the heat radiate from him, from his hands as they slithered up her back to unclip her bra. Then there was nothing between their upper bodies, and it felt so good. One hand cupped a breast, steadying it as his mouth descended, lips parting to take a pert nipple inside. He nipped at her, sending bolts of electricity through her body. His tongue swirled and a moan was ripped from her throat as pulled and sucked at her.
                His other hand had different plans, and was deftly pushing her pants down her long legs. Her head was clouded, full of his mouth and his tongue, until his fingers pressed against the ice blue lace at her core. Her hips tightened, craving more, and his fingers complied. The pressed into her, the thin lace being the only barrier between them. A harsh moan that sounded like his name egged him on, and soon his fingers were dipping behind the lace, shifting it to the side as he reached his goal.
                She was slippery, wet. His finger slipped inside easily. Just the one, to test, but it wasn’t enough as her hips bucked against him. A second finger joined his first, stretching her and curling inside her.
                “Ah, graay”
                He silenced her with his lips, which pressed hard and demanding against hers. All of his pent up frustrations from the past two weeks, the jealousy of having other men see her, all of it was coming out in that kiss, and Penny was loving it.
                She groaned as his fingers left her empty. But then his thumbs were pulling on the sides of her panties and they fell to the ground, soon followed by his boxers.
                They were back at each other in seconds, their bodies cold without each other. Lips caressed skin while hands explored. His hand trailed down her leg, hooking under her knee and harshly pulling it up. She gasped, standing on one foot, tiptoes balancing her as she wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer to steady her.
                He pressed his erection against her, the shaft parting her wet lower lips, and pulling a groan from his throat. He rubbed himself slowly against her, burying his face in her neck and working on the soft skin there. She was so warm, and he could feel her juices trickling down his cock.
                “Gray.” She breathed. A plea, desperate to not waste another second. She felt his tip line up at her entrance, and then he was fully inside her, rocking his pelvis and sending waves of ecstasy through her body. Her leg was still hooked on his forearm, making her tighter, squeezing him all the more. Her fingers wrapped in his hair, pulling lightly in time with his thrusts, small gasps leaving her mouth, begging him not to stop.
                He could feel her tensing around him, her insides caressing him and grasping at him.
                “Penny, I’m-”
                “I know, just – ah – faster!"
                His hips pounded into her, his one hand around her waist sure to leave a bruise, the hickies on her neck sure not to go for days, but neither of them cared. She felt herself tightening, tightening, and then she fell. Her body spasming and writhing underneath her lover who was rushing to his finish. He sheathed himself inside her, his body unravelling as he kissed her messily. They were sweaty and dishevelled, and the room smelt of sex, but they could only grin at each other.
                They laughed, and the unconventionality of the situation.
                “So I was in the neighbourhood and thought I’d stop by” He said, a cheeky grin on his face. She noticed he still hadn’t removed himself from inside her, or let her leg down.
                “That’s so nice of you.” She said jokingly.
                “But it’s getting late, think I could stay the night?” He looked at her, and although she could feel him hardening again, and could feel her nipples pressing against his chest, there was adoration and honesty in his eyes. She leaned up, kissing him again.
                “I don’t think that would be a problem.”     


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