Tuesday 24 June 2014

Kiba Inuzuka one shot - Calming Waters

Hey! So this is longer than what I usually do, but i think it turned out ok :) Also I'm considering doing a sequel for this like i did with the "wanna dive with me?/wanna swim with me?" Rin Matsuoka one shots. Shoot me a comment or message to let me know what you think or if you have any ideas on a one shot of your own that you'd like.
Read, Comment and Enjoy!

                “You look lost.”
                Kiba and Lee swirled to see who was addressing them and Kiba froze while Lee jumped to attention.
                “How observant of you! My name is Rock Lee and this is my partner Inuzuka Kiba!”
                Lee introduced them loudly to the girl while Kiba couldn’t take his eyes off her. She was in ninja gear, but none like he had ever seen. Her shorts showed the smooth expanse of her muscular legs. The belt of ninja gear and weapons hung loose and low on her hips. Her flak jacket showed her toned stomach and left her tan shoulders bare, Kiba couldn’t see if she was wearing a shirt under it. He gulped and moved his eyes elsewhere. Her hands were encased in black gloves that matched the material of the rest of her clothes. Her light blue hair was tied back at the nape of her neck and the ponytail draped over one shoulder and her bright blue eyes seemed to twinkle in amusement.
                She laughed, “so you two are partners huh?”
                Lee yelled “Yes!” at the same time that Kiba snapped into action and exclaimed “NO!”
                Lee looked at him with big hurt eyes and Kiba coughed, “we’re shinobi partners, not partner partners. We’re on a mission together.”
                She chuckled, “right, a mission.” She winked at them, “come on, I’ll show you to where you’ll be staying.” Lee sped to her side and began to walk with her and after a second, Kiba and Akamaru rushed to catch up.
                “Are you a ninja ma’am.”
                “Oh lord don’t call me ma’am!” she laughed, “my name’s Yukiro. I’m the ninja on this mission but we don’t have anyone else to come with me, hence why we called you.”
                “Don’t you have a team?” Kiba asked.
                “Yeah, we started this mission together but…we underestimated them and I wasn’t there to save my friends.” She hung her head slightly but Kiba saw her jaw clench. He didn’t know what to say, he placed a hand on her shoulder as Lee had the same idea. She shot them both appreciative glances.
                “Do not worry Yukiro-chan, we will help you avenge your comrades.” Lee said with conviction.
                “That’s the spirit.” She said with a slight smile. “Well here we are.” She unlocked the door to a small house. “It’s not much but…” She seemed timid as if waiting for their criticisms.
                “It’s great.” Kiba said.
                “I’ve only got one spare bedroom but the couch isn’t too bad… or if someone wants my bed they’re welcome to it and I’ll take the couch.” She rubbed the back of her neck and didn’t look them in the eye. Wait, this was her house??
                “We could never take your bed Yukiro-chan!” Lee exclaimed. She obviously felt uncomfortable in the situation, it was obvious she didn’t meet strangers very often. This was a small village and she probably had never worked with anyone but her two team members.
                “So how ‘bout a tour of the village?” Kiba suggested to clear the air. She looked relieved and grateful at the suggestion.        
                “Sounds great, just drop your stuff anywhere and we’ll set out.”
                They walked through streets before reaching the forest and walking on the dirt path that led out into the forest. “Our village isn’t much, our ninja population is small and dwindling. We mainly have residential areas and a market or two but there’s one place that’s worth seeing.” They walked into a large clearing where a number of people were kneeling around a clear pool, but that’s not what drew the leaf shinobi’s eyes. The waterfall feeding the pool seemed to glow with a radiant blue light.
                “The chakra falls.” Yukiro said in a hushed whisper.
                “What are they doing?” Kiba whispered after a second, motioning to the kneeling villagers.
                She grew a soft smile, “they are praying. Praying for the kekkai-genkai of our people to return to their bloodline and protect them.”
                “I did not know this area had a kekkai-genkai.” Lee commented, and was about to ask more when the villagers seemed to notice their hushed whispers. They turned and then bowed even lower.
                “Yukiro sama.”
                “Yukiro hime.”
                “Yukiro sempai.”
                They all murmured praises to Yukiro who looked uncomfortable at the situation.
                “Everyone, please get up, I’ve asked you to stop this.” None of them rose, but a few turned back to the pool. Yukiro walked past the remaining villagers as if she was trying to avoid seeing their eyes on her. She motioned her head for Lee and Kiba to join her, and they each took a place beside her as she knelt by the pool. She closed her eyes and visibly relaxed. Kiba looked over at Lee and saw him in the same pose, his face more relaxed than Kiba had seen it in a long time.
                Looking back at Yukiro he could see her eyes laughing at his quizzical expression.
                “Having trouble?”
                “I don’t meditate too well.” Akamaru wagged his tail to emphasize Kiba’s point.
                She chuckled, “here, let me help.” She reached over and took his hand and slowly dipped it into the water. Kiba was shocked at the feel. It was warm, like his hand was engulfed in his covers before he got up in the morning. The water passed through his fingers, but it was more solid than water, fluid like silk. “Relax.” Yukiro breathed before closing her eyes again.
                Kiba closed his eyes and felt a calm wash over him. He felt Akamaru still beside him as he felt the effect pouring over his master.    
                Kiba didn’t know how long they sat there but when Yukiro shook his shoulder the forest was dark and stars shone down on them. His eyes glued to the falls, now lighting the clearing.
                “What is this?” Kiba whispered.
                “Legend says that the founder of our village, the origin of the kekkai-genkai, was laid to rest in this water. His spirit and chakra are supposed to reside here giving strength to those who need it.”
                “What is this kekkai-genkai? Why do the villagers treat you with such reverence?” Lee asked.
                She got up and bowed to the pool, gesturing that they should do the same. “I am the first in generations to be born with it, that’s why they treat me like this. They think I am an answer sent by the founder. They think I will restore the village to its rightful state.”
                “No pressure or anything.” Kibe muttered, grinning as he saw her grin at him.
                “I am able to manipulate chakra, and not just my own. It is a great power that could be used for untamed evil if placed in the wrong hands.”
                “Whoa, hold on.” Kiba held up his hands, so you could take away all of my chakra, right now? Just like that?”
                She nodded, feeling uncomfortable. “I wouldn’t, but yes.”
                Kiba looked down at Akamaru who shared the sentiment.
                They reached her house in silence and she locked the door behind them. “Here’s a key for each of you, there’s blankets and pillows on the bed and the couch. The bathroom’s the first door in the hall, and my bedrooms the next door if you need me.”
                She disappeared quickly and Kiba looked at Lee seeing his confused expression mirrored there.
                “Rock paper scissors for the bedroom?” Lee asked but Kiba shook his head.
                “You take it, I want to be by the door in case Akamaru gets restless.”
                “Alright, I will see you tomorrow Kiba.” Lee disappeared into the spare bedroom and Kiba just stood there. He walked to the room he assumed was her bedroom and softly knocked. He heard scuffling and the door opened moments later.
                “Is everything ok? Does Akamaru need somethi-” He pulled her to his chest in a tight hug and held her there. She seemed startled at first but then relaxed into him. Her arms wound around his waist as she held him tightly. He felt so bad for her, she must be so lonely. The village treated her as a saviour, and refused to realise that she was human too. She hadn’t spoken of a family. Her shinobi team had been killed, the two people who probably knew her best, had been with her through everything. She had no one.
                He pressed his cheek into her hair and breathed deeply, slowing his breathing to try and calm her too. She had an enormous power inside her, and it was obvious by her hesitation to speak about it that the knowledge of what she could do had driven people away before. He felt her release him and so he stepped back, giving her a smile before walking back down the hall to the couch. He could see Akamaru’s expression. “Oh shut up, she’s just lonely, I was being nice, that’s it.”
                Akamaru seemed to pull his lips back in a grin that clearly said yeah right.
The next morning.
                “Their trail ends here, there’s no mark further.” Yukiro said, “I can’t even follow their chakra, they must have been repressing it.”
                “Well let’s see what I can pick up.” Kiba said, calling Akamaru as they began to search the area. “Here, we’ve got a trail!” The four of them followed the trail and by midday ended up at a rundown set of huts. Kiba’s nose perked in the air. Akamaru barked loudly and turned to look back the way they came. “There’s another trail, fresh. I’d guess this morning. They went that way!”
                Her face paled, “The village, they’ve gone to the village.” She whispered. Without waiting for any of them she turned around and raced back through the forest. The three pelted after her and almost caught up when they broke the forest border and saw the remnants of a fire. Black smoke curled into the air from crushed broken houses. Yukiro ran from ruin to ruin, her face falling at each when she found the bodies of her people.
                “Anyone, please tell me someone’s alive!”
                “Hi-Hime?” A broken voice came from under a stack of wood. Kiba was closest and he had the rubble off the person just as Yukiro got there.
                “Elder Ishira! Elder Miro! Are there any others?” She asked desperately. The old men shook their heads sadly, “we don’t know hime.”
                “Don’t call me hime! What right do I have to be your princess, your saviour! I couldn’t save my teammates, I couldn’t save my people, my village! I have failed you all!” She ran her fingers through her hair and turned away from them, overlooking the wreckage. Kiba went up to her and rest his hand on her shoulder, “let’s keep looking.”
                In the end they found only three children hiding in a cellar, everyone else was dead.
                “Let’s go.” She said, “we can’t wait around here in case they come back.”
                “Where are we going Yukiro sempai?” a child asked.
                Yukiro kneeled and took the scared child’s hands in hers. “we’re going on a trip, to a big village. There’s lots of other little boys and girls there to play with, and it’s sunny all the time and everyone is happy and friendly. Does that sound ok?”
                The child nodded but held one of Yukiro’s hands as they walked.
                “The leaf village is about a three day walk from here, and that’s for us. With them with us it’ll take about a week.” Kiba said. She knew it was true, the two elders were frail and weak to begin with, not counting the injuries they had sustained from the attack. The children seemed a bit bruised but ok, but they would get tired easily.
                “We can’t wait here.” She said.
                “Hime, what about the falls, we have never left since the Founder built us here.” An elder said.
                “Forget the falls, they don’t exactly seem to have brought us luck or hope have they?” Yukiro bit back.
                There was a pause before the elder responded, “they brought us you.”
                Yukiro didn’t answer but Kiba could see the thought in her mind, and look at the good I’ve done you.    
                Kiba felt a pull on his jacket and looked down to see the other two children. “Mr… can we um… can we…” they cast shy glances at Akamaru and Kiba understood. He lifted the two onto Akamaru’s back and belted them on best he could before he saw their eyelids start to drop. When he turned back the little girl was latched onto Yukiros back and her eyes were closing quickly.
                “How are you doing?” she asked the elders, they would not be able to be carried.
                “We can go for a bit longer Hime.”
                She nodded and continued walking, Lee beside her at the front and Kiba walked at the back with Akamaru with the elders in the middle.
                They stopped as night fell and made camp on the forest floor. “We leave at dawn.” Yukiro said bluntly as she settled the three children in a blanket and then set herself against the base of a tree.
                Kiba tossed and turned for an hour before simply staring at the sky. Yukiro’s face refused to stop rippling in his mind, her face as she saw her village, broken and hopeless. Glistening tears that she refused to let fall. She had lost so much in such a short time. Whoever these bastards were, she was going to make them pay.
                “Kiba?” he looked over at Lee who was also awake. “you cannot sleep also?”
                “Yeah, I keep thinking of everything she’s been through. I can’t imagine it.”
                “I agree, she should not have to face such sadness. But at least she is no longer alone.”
                Kiba looked back over at Lee again, and saw the boy staring at the sky. “What do you mean not alone? She’s completely alone, everyone she ever knew is dead.”
                “She has you now, it is obvious you care for her and she cares for you.”
                “I’ve known her for a day, Lee. One day.”
                “Sometimes that doesn’t matter. She needs someone and you seem to naturally fill her need. Even Akamaru can see your attachment to her.” Kiba looked around, noticing that Akamaru was not curled up with the children where he had fallen asleep. He was pressed against Yukiro, her fingers embed in his fur and her face hidden behind him.
                “Think on it, you will see I am right.” Lee said smiling before he closed his eyes.
                Kiba closed his eyes but couldn’t stop seeing her heartbroken expression and his throat tightened to even think of it crossing her face again. He remembered her hand on his and placing it in the chakra water back at the waterfall. He tried to recreate the sense of calm he had felt there with her, and didn’t remember falling asleep.
                What he did remember was the dream. The weight of her body atop his, the throaty texture of her voice as she called his name, the heat of her skin. Her hands, bare for once, buried themselves in his hair and he remembered how she pulled and tugged it.
                “Kiba wake up, time to go.” He heard her voice above him and opened his eyes to see her bright blue ones leaning over him. Before he could stop himself his gaze darted to her lips and back to her eyes. She seemed to notice his distraction as the lightest of blushes dusted her cheekbones. Kiba got up and coughed awkwardly. “How’d you sleep?” he asked to break the silence between them.
                She smiled, “Akamaru’s really warm, thanks for sending him over.”
                Kiba chuckled, “I didn’t, I looked for him and saw him already over there.” She turned back to where the oversized dog was sat watching them.
                “Well aren’t you just the sweetest?” she crouched down and rubbed behind his ears. Akamaru’s eyes closed as his huge head leaned into her palms. Kiba watched the interaction as she thanked Akamaru. He had to admit, seeing her get along with Akamaru so well made him happy and it made him smile that the dog was banishing her sadness for a second.
                “Everyone ready?” she asked, standing, “alright let’s head out.”
                The two children walked with the elders today, but the little girl resumed her place by Yukiro’s side and held her hand. The walk went by uneventfully and before he knew it, it was nightfall and they were setting up camp again. Tonight he went and sat by Yukiro and saw Lee give him a thumbs up and a huge grin from the background.
                “How are you holding up?” he asked.
                “Alright I suppose, given the circumstances.” He could see that a weight was on her back, a weight that she hid during the day for the children’s sake.
                They stayed silent and just let the night darken as their eyes closed.
                Kiba woke first and felt her gloved fingers intertwined with his. That was all that connected the two of them but it somehow felt more intimate than his previous encounters with women. He wasn’t a stranger to sex, or women in general, and he certainly did enjoy himself when he was with them but he’d never managed to make it last longer than that. Maybe Lee was right, maybe there was something here. He looked at her face and although it was calm now he could see tear marks where weakness had taken her in the night. Not thinking, he brushed a thumb over her cheek to banish them and was met with slowly blinking blue eyes as she woke.
                “Hey.” She said quietly with a smile.
                “Hey.” He responded. The two of them hung there in a beautiful calm silence until Kiba felt a weight on him and Akamaru was licking their faces.
                She laughed, a real laugh. “Morning to you too buddy!” She hauled herself up off the ground and set to make breakfast. He watched her bend over the supply bag and noticed that she was no longer wearing the flak jacket. Giving a quick glance around their makeshift camp he saw that it was unzipped and the three kids were squished together and using it as a pillow.
                “So, if you don’t mind me asking, what’s with the outfit?” He walked over to where Lee was helping her build a fire.
                She blushed, her shirt now consisted of a thin strapped black shirt that was tight to her body and left her midriff bare. Her shorts seemed to start lower than they used to and in her crouched position they seemed to leave her entire thigh bare.
                “My chakra manipulation is delicate and it works best with skin on skin contact but I can’t control what happens when my hands touch someone so I keep them gloved. I need the rest of me able to make skin contact in case someone’s near me and I need a big pull of chakra. I don’t just dress like a whore, there’s reasoning behind it.” She grinned.
                “Indeed, it is tradition of the Founders descendants to dress in the style of baring skin.” An elder mentioned, “it shows the power they contain and their fearlessness of wounds in battle. It shows who they are.”
                Yukiro chuckled, “like the blue hair isn’t clue enough.” She twisted the end of her ponytail in her fingers.
                Breakfast was over too soon and they kept walking. Days later they finally made it.
                “So this is the Leaf village?” She mused, and Kiba automatically felt nervous for her to see his village.
                The gates opened and the leaf shinobi grinned as the others’ eyes widened at the sight of everything. The village was bright and bustling like always, people were everywhere. Yukiro crouched down and the little girl scrambled onto her back. Kiba and Lee followed suit with the other two children.
                “Think they’re ok? They look terrified.” Kiba muttered to Lee.
                “This is probably the most people they have ever seen in one place. This street most likely contains more people than their entire village.” Kiba nodded, he hadn’t considered that. They started to move through the crowd and people turned to look at the newcomers, particularly the scantily clad girl with blue hair…
                Yukiro’s hand gripped Kiba’s forearm as she was jostled and almost lost sight of him. She cast nervous glances at the curious looks coming her way.
                “Kiba” she whispered. He chuckled and moved his arm so his fingers intertwined with the leather of her gloves. He felt her give his hand a grateful squeeze and he led her towards the hokage building.
                They arrived there eventually, and were soon all stood in the office facing a tired looking hokage.
                “Lady Tsunade, may I present Yukiro and her village elders, Elder Ishira and Elder Miro.” They all bowed at the introduction but Tsunade noticed the more pressing matter. “But why are they here? You were sent to assist Yukiro with a mission if I recall correctly.”
                Kiba went to answer but Yukiro beat him to it, “they were my lady, but the same people we were hunting came to the village and razed it to the ground. The two elders and the three children were the only survivors of the attack.”
                Tsunade was shocked, “I didn’t know you were in such danger, had you mentioned it I would have sent you Anbu.”
                “We didn’t know the danger was coming. All I knew was that my comrades were dead and I needed help to hunt them down.”
                Tsunade thought, “what is their goal? What are they attacking for?”
                The villagers shared a look before Yukiro said “me” in a small voice.
                Kiba looked sharply at her. “I believe you failed to mention that.” Lee said, obviously hurt that she hadn’t said that before. Kiba admitted to himself that he was hurt too, but looking back on it he realised that it was obvious.
                “The village was poor, with nothing to offer. The only thing of any worth stealing in it would be our kekkai-genkai. I am the only bearer to be born in several generations.”
                “And your kekkai-genkai is…?” Tsunade pushed. 
                Yukiro hesitated before admitting, “the ability to manipulate chakra. Anyone’s, chakra.”
                Tsunade’s face was set in stone, “that’s quite the power.”
                “I know.”
                “Can you use it?”
                “I cannot control my hands from draining anyone’s chakra on contact yet, but yes, I can.”
                “Lady Tsunade! Scouts say enemies are approaching, rogue ninja!” A man said, and everyone burst into action, running to the village wall.
                “How many?” Tsunade asked.
                “At least fifty.”
                “Fifty??” Yukiro exclaimed, then her face set in determination, “all coming from this direction?”
                “As far as we can tell yes.” The scout answered.
                “What’s going on? Is everything ok?” Naruto had joined them atop the wall and Kiba saw Yukiro’s eyes flicker to him.
                “Yukiro NO!” Kiba yelled, but he was too late. Yukiro had her forehead pressed to Naruto’s and everybody stilled as a wall of chakra shot up around the entire village. Kiba pressed his hand to it and looked at the one person on the outside of it.
                “Yukiro, bring it down.” He said, his voice hard. “I can’t let you fight this alone!”
                “You can and you will! Too many people have died for me, this ends today.” She placed her hand up close to the chakra wall so it was right on top of his. She gave him a brief apologetic look before jumping down to the ground.
                “YUKIRO!” Kiba yelled, banging his fist against the barrier.
                “Guys what happened?” Naruto asked, utterly confused.
                “There are rogue ninja after Yukiro for her bloodline ability to manipulate chakra.” Lee answered, “It appears she has taken advantage of your large chakra reserves to use your chakra to build this wall. As long as she is alive,I do not believe this wall will break.”
                Naruto looked at Kiba who was fuming, still pounding away at the barrier.
                Kiba could see her, stood with one hand stretched behind her to steady herself, her fingertips pressed against the village wall. She didn’t look up, but he knew that her eyes were narrowed into hard lines, all doubts or weakness had been pushed behind her. This was the fight for her village, her people, her friends. She could not fail.
                One by one the rogue ninja emerged from the forest. That was more than fifty. They eyed the barrier caging the leaf ninja and grinned. They would be unable to help the blue haired one.
                “We’ve gone through a lot of trouble to get to you.” The one in front called.
                Yukiro moved a few steps from the wall and opened her arms. “I’m right here. Come and get me.” The men grinned and pulled out their weapons, slowly advancing until they stood in a semi-circle around her.
                “Why isn’t she getting out weapons?” Naruto yelled.
                “She has never fought with them. You will see.” Kiba looked behind to see the two elders watching. “It was not a mistake that they killed her teammates and village before confronting her. It will be a tough fight to beat her alone, they could not risk her having her people stand behind her.”
                It was only then that Kiba noticed the scrap of black cloth hanging from Akamaru’s mouth. Impatient, he reached over and pulled them out. Her gloves. He turned back and saw her bend her knees slightly as if to prepare for an impact. He could not help feeling that she didn’t stand a chance, she wasn’t wearing armour, she had no weapon, and she was surrounded by armoured, armed enemy ninja.
                They began to lunge towards her, a pile of weapons and bodies and somehow it was as if she became water. She twisted and turned, her body bending in ways he couldn’t imagine. That’s why she doesn’t wear armour, he realised, so she can move like this. He watched as one man behind her ran for her and she bent out of his way. Her palm came down and touched his bare arm for a brief second before he crumpled to the ground. This pattern continued, a few had manages to get shallow cuts on her but somehow she managed to keep dodging. For a moment they retreated and reformed the semi-circle around her and Kiba’s hope withered again. She had beat so many but now there seemed to be more than before.
                She seemed to realise this too because she ran towards the village wall and bounded to the top. She pressed her bare hand close to the barrier of chakra and Kiba immediately clicked into her plan. “Stall some time, I’ll get them to help you!” He said through the barrier. She gave a small nod.
                   He heard her begin to accuse the rogues of the crimes they had committed and the hurt they had caused her and Kiba set to work behind the wall.
                “She’s going to draw on chakra from this barrier, everyone put your hands on the wall! She’ll be able to draw on your chakra.”
                “What? I’m not doing that!” someone yelled, “I saw what happened to those guys down there!” He pointed to the heap of rogue ninja who were in heaps on the ground.
                “It’ll be ok, that’s what happens when she takes from only one person, and right now she’s only taking from Naruto. If we all do it, then she won’t need to take much from each of us!”

               Hesitantly he saw ninja all around him place their hands on the barrier and he did as well. Locking eyes with her as she glanced back at him before turning to the rogue’s once more.
                “You did all this to get my bloodline? Well here you go, you can have it.” Her voice was steady and strong. Her bare hand pressed to the barrier and immediately Kiba felt a pulling sensation within himself. It grew stronger and stronger as weaker ninja let go of the wall, but he held on and never took his eyes off her.
                Her blue chakra burst in waves from her and it looked as if she was immersed in the chakra falls from her village. Kiba wasn’t sure how long he stayed with his hands to the wall, giving his chakra to her but eventually it was over. Exhausted, she turned around and laughed.
                “What’s so funny?” he asked. She gestured to her gloves in his hand, “I can’t end the barrier without touching it, and I can’t touch it without draining Naruto.”
                He had to laugh.
                In the end they had knocked Naruto out –much to his displeasure. He had never been good at disrupting his chakra flow. The barrier came down almost instantly. Lee and Sakura kneeled down to check on Naruto but Kiba crossed to Yukiro in large steps and crashed his lips to hers. This was better than any dream he’d had, any other girl he’d had, this was real. This was Yukiro.
                “Never do that again.” He growled between kisses. Her lips tilted up into a grin as she responded, looping her arms around his neck as his hands still clutched the back of her neck. They broke apart to catcalling and whistling but Kiba didn’t seem to mind because he kissed her again and again, softer and softer each time until he simply pressed his forehead against hers.
                “Stay with me?” He breathed. Her eyes searched his for something, but all she found was everything she’d seen there before. He was asking her to not go back to the site of the Founder, to abandon the chakra falls, the site of her family’s home for generations.
                “Yes.” She kissed him softly, “besides, we’ve only known each other for a week, we’ve got some catching up to do.”

                Akamaru jumped on the two in joy upon hearing that she was staying, and as Yukiro looked up and saw the barking dog and his masters laughing eyes as he wiped slobber from his face, Yukiro couldn’t remember ever being happier.

Monday 23 June 2014

Kyoya Ootori - Secrets and Horsefields

This one's a tad longer than the others, but I wanted to try one that showed from first meeting to end.
Read, Comment, and Enjoy!

                You walked through the halls, dressed in the yellow dress that was horrific in your opinion, but then again, you couldn’t really change the uniform. Today was your first day, having been hastily transferred, and you were looking for the two individuals you had come to know quite well over the years.
                “Excuse me,” you asked a passing girl, “but do you know where I could find Hikaru and Kaoru Hitachin?”
                They giggled, “they’ll be in the third music room.” They giggled again and continued walking. You rolled your eyes, how typical of them to have every girl in love with them. You roamed, asking for directions numerous times until you reached the doors of the third music room. With steady hands you pushed the doors open and were pleased with the result.
                The Host club was not prepared, and you had hoped to catch them off guard. They recovered quickly and soon a blond boy was kissing the back of your hand. “I do not recall seeing such a beautiful girl around here before.”
                You were going to respond but you were cut off by a cry of “ANNA!!!!!” The ginger twins jumped and hugged you, squeezing the life out of you. You laughed, “yes yes, it’s good to see you too.”
                They let you go but each held one of your hands as they dragged you over to a couch.
                “What are you doing here?” they asked simultaneously, “Aren’t you supposed to be in Britain?”
                “I got bored, it doesn’t do anything but rain there. So I thought I’d come and see you.”
                “Um… sorry, but who are you?” The blond asked, dropping his ‘romantic’ act since it was obvious that you knew the twins.
                “My name’s Anna, I just moved here from Britain, and you are…”
                “Tamaki Suou, pleased to meet you.”
                Hikaru pointed to a tall boy and a little blond boy eating cake, “That’s Mori-san and Honey-san.” And over there….” They pointed to a boy with black hair and glasses who was sat at a desk typing away on a laptop. “That’s Ootori Kyoya”
                He looked up as he heard his name, and for a second his dark eyes locked with yours. His expression was bemused, and delicately he raised one eyebrow in challenge before his eyes went back to the screen. You hid a smirk, obviously you’d heard of him, the Ootori name was everywhere, that family dabbled in everything.
                “Haruhi!” Tamaki yelled, and ran to hug a girl who had just entered the room. He ushered her forward, “this is Anna!” You shook her hand, “pleasure to meet you.”
                Soon the host club was set to open to the public so you sat at the back and opened the book you were reading, but then saw that Kyoya was sat at the other side of the small table you were at. You turned to the man who was still typing away. “Do you not entertain Ootori-san?”
                Without looking at you he replied, “when I have to, today I am sorting finances, so unless someone requests me I will stay here.” You let a small grin slip onto your face.
                “Are you really sorting finances, or are you just looking for an excuse to sit next to me?”  
                “My life has more to deal with than making pathetic excuses to sit near a girl I barely know. Without these finances this club would not last a day.”
                You looked over at Tamaki, “yes, he does have a flair for the expensive doesn’t he?” you mused out loud.
                He snorted, “Tamaki is French, it’s in his blood.”
                You laughed, “ah yes, the French. How unfortunate for you Ootori-san, you must have to work quite hard to accommodate Suou-san.”
                You were grabbing his attention and you knew it.
                “You call me Ootori-san, and Tamaki Suou-san, might I ask how you learned such Japanese etiquette when your transfer was so hasty?”
                “What makes you think my transfer was hasty? You wouldn’t have been reading private files would you, Ootori-san?”
                “Of course not, it is obvious. Had you applied earlier you would have got in the necessary courses, which would mean you would be carrying the large purple textbook around with you. The only reason you don’t have that textbook is because you aren’t in the class, which means you have been waitlisted. Hence, you applied late and using some form of class or money forced your way into the school under questionable pretences.”
                You quietly applauded, “your powers of deduction are certainly worthy of the name you carry, Ootori-san.”
                He had stopped typing, and closed the lid of his laptop.
                “Done with your finances, Ootori-san?” you asked innocently, a smirk gracing your lips.
                He turned so his chair was facing the table you were sat at. His long fingers curled around your book and with that same look on his face he closed it.
                “Now I’ll have to find my place again.” You said.
                “I’m sure you’ll manage.” He said dryly. His elbows perched themselves on the table and his fingers locked together under his chin as he propped his head up, looking directly at you. You mimicked his positioning, and stared right back.
                “You seem to be enjoying yourself.” He said.
                “Oh trust me, I am. Japan is already proving to be much more entertaining than Britain.” A mischievous smirk had settled on your face and although you wanted to mimic his expression you couldn’t help yourself.
                “Which part of Britain?” he asked.
                You pondered, “the rainy part.”
                The corner of his mouth twitched. “You are toying with me.”
                “Not at all, Ootori-san. It goes against my stern British upbringing to toy with anyone.”
                “I see. So why did you move here?”
                “To see the twins.”
                “That’s the only reason?”
                “Yes.” You said simply.
                “That’s quite the devotion, are you having relations with one of them, or maybe both?”
                You let out a laugh, His expression had not changed, but you could almost make out a playful glint behind those glasses. “That is rather a personal question is it not?”
                “I apologise for being so direct.”
                “To answer your question, they are brothers to me. I enjoy spending time with them.”
                “How long have you known them?”
                “A while.”
                “How did you meet them?”
                “We were all bored.”
                “And what about your name? You call me Ootori-san, what am I to call you? Anna what?”
                You had both leaned forward until your noses were almost touching. You opened your mouth to respond when you felt breath hitting your face, and it wasn’t Kyoya’s. You turned your head and saw the grinning faces of the twins. You pulled your face back and stood up. “All finished?” you asked the twins.
                They nodded together, those impish grins not leaving.
                “I’ll be there in a second.” They left.
                “You’re staying with them?” Kyoya asked.
                “Lord no, I do have a place to stay but thank you for your concern, Ootori-san.” You walked away until you were directly behind him, you bent and let your breath touch his ear. “As to what you should call me…” you paused, “just Anna is fine.” You stood and walked away, oh yes, Japan was certainly going to be interesting.    
                The twins walked you outside, laughing and joking to the others expense. You didn’t realise how much you had missed them.
                “You going to stay with us?” Hikaru asked.
                You shook your head, “I’ve got to keep a low profile.” You saw Haruhi leaving from the corner of your eye. You gave each twin a hug and then jogged off to the girl. You slid into the seat next to her, “How are you Haruhi?”
                She smiled at you, “I’m well, how was your first day?”
                “It was ok, classes here are further ahead than the ones at home, but I’m sure I’ll catch up in no time.” The two of you chatted for a while, and then you followed her as she walked to her apartment. She seemed surprised but invited you in. “So do you live around here Anna?” she asked.
                “Not sure yet, I do need a place to stay, and these apartments look nice, do you know if there are any open?”
                “You’d stay in one of these?” She asked.
                “Why not?”
                “Well, this is where commoners live, not people like you…”
                You grinned, “my dear Haruhi, you’ll find soon that there are not many people like me.”
                You left her apartment and walked into the landlords office. You pulled out your wallet, “I need a place to stay, how much do you charge?”
                “So this is your new apartment, here are your keys, and here’s our number if you have any problems. It’s good to have you with us Anna-chan.” She smiled at you warmly, and left. She probably wasn’t too pleased with the minimal details you had put on your form, no last name, no contact information, but you figured the extra payment would keep her happy. Cash of course, couldn’t risk leaving a paper trail from credit cards.
                “Haruhi!” you called out, and ran to catch up with her as she boarded the bus. “Mind if I join you?”
                “Not at all.” You slid into place beside her and began chatting away. You really liked her, she was down to earth and relatable. You parted ways when you got to school, and fell into step with Kyoya.
                “Morning Ootori-san.”
                His eyes slid down to look at you.
                “Morning Anna-san. How was your night?”
                “Quite pleasant, and yours?”
                “Average. May I ask why you arrived to school in a bus?”
                “Busses are eco-friendly, wouldn’t want to kill the planet by adding another car would we?”
                You could tell that he barely supressed an eye roll. You followed him to class and sat in an open seat, surprised when he slid next to you.
                “So you managed to get yourself in this class after all.” He said, pulling out the large purple textbook. You pulled out your own copy of the book. Indeed, you had talked to a few professors and secured yourself a place, but you weren’t about to let him know that.
                “Whatever do you mean Ootori-san? I’ve always been enrolled in this class.” Tamaki plonked himself in the chair on your other side and you turned to talk to him until class started. After school they insisted on you following them to the host club where once again you sat at the table at the back. You saw a girl sat at a couch alone, but not for long as Kyoya walked over to her and began to host. You had to admit, he was good. You hadn’t known him for long, but you knew that he was a sarcastic one, he liked to figure out things, liked to play games. The Kyoya you were looking at, he was nice, friendly, open, he was a very good actor. After she left, his cutting eyes flashed to yours and he gave a small smirk to see that you were watching him. Your heart jumped at the emotion in his eyes, oh yes, he’s in a very playful mood.
                Eventually all of the customers had left and you stood up, ready to leave. You were walking out of the school and heading to walk off when an arm snaked through yours and steered you in a different direction.
                “Planning something?” You asked.
                “Can’t have a lady walking by herself now can I? Come, we will drive you.”
                You smirked, “that really isn’t necessary.”
                “Hush, I insist.” He was stood at the open door to a sleek black car and rolling your eyes, you slid in and heard the door shut as he got in after you.
                “Directions?” He asked.
                “Take the first right.” You said to the driver.
                The car moved silently, and you looked forward smirking as you felt Kyoya’s eyes on you.
                “A left here, and then drive on straight through the next junction.”
                “And a right at this corner.”
                “Straight past this row of houses.” You kept giving directions until you reached a field. You moved to open your door only to find Kyoya already there holding it open for you. You locked eyes and stood, head tilted back to keep his gaze.
                “Thank you for the ride, Ootori-san. It was both pleasant and accommodating.”
                “It wouldn’t be very gentlemanly of me to leave a lady alone in a field with no way to get home.”
                You leaned up until your mouth was at his ear, “feeling protective Ootori-san? I am quite capable.” You saw his mouth twitch into a smirk. “Now off with you, your family will be wondering where you’ve gone.” You turned and began to walk away when you felt a tug on your hand. You looked back and were mesmerized as you watched Kyoya slowly lift your hand to his lips and place the barest of kisses there. He said nothing else as he climbed back into the car and drove away.
                When he was fully out of sight you shook yourself out of your daze. He had won that round, you vowed that you would win the next. Now… the reason that you were out here. You whistled and waited, soon enough you heard the thumping of hoofs. You turned your head and saw the beautiful white horse galloping full tilt towards you. You lift up the dress you wore, and when the horse ran by you let out a whoop and slung yourself on its back, never once breaking stride.
                Kyoya was waiting for you when you arrived to school.
                “Taking the bus again I see.”
                “Your powers of observation are astounding Ootori-san. Would you impress me again and tell me what colour dress I am wearing.”            
                “Someone’s in a good mood.”
                “What can I say, bus rides make me so happy.” Again you went through the day making quippy remarks with Kyoya. Again you went to take the bus home, and again an arm slipped through yours steering you to a sleek black car.
                “Escorting me again Ootori-san? Careful, people might begin to gossip.”
                “Where to sir?” The driver asked.
                “The same field as yesterday.” Kyoya said, and the driver nodded, setting off. Kyoya turned his attention back to you. “That dress is not very flattering.” He said.
                You covered your shock with a grin, “How bold of you to say.”
                “It is the truth.” You saw in his eyes he was trying to break you down.
                “Sadly yes it is, we women are forced to wear this ugly, unbecoming, canary yellow hot air balloon while you men get to strut around looking fine and dapper in those suits.”
                “You think I look dapper.” He said, chuckling under his breath.
                “Oh yes Ootori-san,” you breathed, “I think you look very dapper.”
                “At your destination sir, and madam.” The driver said. You looked back to Kyoya and were once again surprised with how close the two of you had gotten. Kyoya opened the door for you and you stepped out into the field.
                “That will be all, you may return home, I will spend the night at the home of Tamaki Suou.”
                “Yes sir.” The driver sped away, and you looked at Kyoya in disbelief. He held up one finger to keep you quiet, as he dialed a number on his phone.
                “Afternoon Tamaki, I need a favour.”
                “No I don’t need to borrow your medieval costume.”
                “Just listen, I need you to cover for me for a while.”
                “Just until you get notice from me that you can stop.”
                “Mind your own business.”
                His eyes flashed to yours and a slow smirk spread across his face.
                “I’ll talk to you later.” He hung up on Tamaki and put his hands in his pockets. He looked around, “so this is your field huh? Not quite as interesting as you make it seem.” His gaze stopped and you knew he had seen him. The horse trotted over and stood beside you, staring down Kyoya.
                “An Andalusian.” He said, “if I’m not mistaken that’s a difficult horse to handle.” You horse snorted, just to prove the point. You were surprised that Kyoya knew what type of horse this was.
                You raised your hand to stroke his nose, “he’s not that bad once you get used to him.” You walked around, “would you like a ride? It’s a long walk otherwise.” He walked until he was stood beside you and held out his folded hands in front of him. You looked at him confused.
                “A step.” He explained. “unless you’d like to bunch up your skirts and jump.” You felt a blush ghost across your cheeks. You would win, you had to, and right now there was only one way. You bent over, grasping the hem of your dress and pulled it up until the whole skirt of your dress was at your upper thighs, all of your creamy legs exposed to Kyoya. You sent him a smirk and jumped onto the horse, letting the dress settle back the best it could since you weren’t sitting side-saddle. Kyoya swung himself up after you and wrapped his arms around your waist, “you are just full of surprises aren’t you.” He murmured.
                You had never been this close to anyone before, you could feel the heat from his chest as it pressed against your back. The flimsy dress did nothing to hide the muscles of his legs as they clamped around yours, and the feel of his breath on your neck sent constant shivers around your body. His arms tightened. “Weren’t we going somewhere?” he murmured.
                You cleared your head, “hold on.” And you were off.
                You arrived at the barn and gracefully slid off the horse and patted his flank so he could go get some water.
                “A beautiful horse, what’s his name?” Kyoya asked.
                “Caspian.” You answered. The two of you stood there watching Caspian drink, the ride had been about an hour, and this made you chuckle. Kyoya looked down at you and you grinned even more, “oh Ootori-san, you are going to be sore tomorrow.”
                He grinned, “isn’t the man supposed to say that to the lady?” You were about to quip when you heard the barn door open. You rushed to a ladder and began to climb, Kyoya following you. You hid amongst the hay, and felt his body squished beside yours.              
                “Why are we hiding?” he whispered.
                “You are Kyoya Ootori, it wouldn’t do well for your public image to see you in a field alone with a girl after you’ve specifically left messages saying you are with Tamaki-san.” You looked over at him and saw him smirking, “and me laying in the hay with this girl, I suppose that would do wonders for my public image?” You scowled at him, only making him smirk more. “Stay here” you ordered.
                He waited for a while before he heard your voice call out, “Ootori-san, its safe now.” You watched him climb down and you had to admit, he was much more than dapper right now. His hair was messy from the wind, his clothes were ruffled from laying on the hay. He honestly looked like he’d just got up from bed and you had to fight to control yourself before he turned around.
                “So who was that?” he asked.
                “The owner of the barn, she just came to restock the food, I told her I was here to visit Caspian.”
                 “So we have the whole place to ourselves then?” He asked.
                You grinned, “Why yes, I suppose we do.”
                He began taking slow strides to you, and you refused to back up. Soon his body was pressed flush against yours. He chuckled, “Does this excite you Anna-chan?” His fingertips skimmed up your arms, your neck, the sides of your face before running them down through your dark hair.
                “What makes you think that, Ootori-san?” You breathed, fighting to keep your voice level. His hands were circling on their route, they made it to your hair but this time, they stayed there. He tightened his grip and slowly pulled your hair back, forcing your face up to him. All of your senses were on overdrive, and your heart was beating so hard. He leaned down, and when his lips were almost touching yours he murmured, “Because I can hear your heart beat.”
                There was a crash and the two of you broke apart. Wildly you looked around, finding Caspian looking at you. “What is it?” you asked. Then you heard the voices. You peeked around a corner, “I’ve seen them at the academy! Ootori-san we have to leave.” You turned around and looked at him, he stayed still as you walked up to him. Slowly you unbuttoned his blazer. You ran your hands over his stomach, up to his chest, and then over his shoulders as his blazer fell to the floor. Your hands moved to his throat and undid the first two buttons of his dress shirt, and then unfolded his collar. Your hands trailed back down his body as you untucked his dress shirt from his pants. You traced his jaw with your fingertips as you moved to his hair, and you felt a grumble in his chest as you ran your fingers through it, messing it up even more. Lastly you took his glasses, folding them and putting them in his pocket.
                You gulped, damn this boy was sexy like this.
                “Now no one will recognise you.” You said. He watched you looking at him and then before anything else could happen you grabbed his hand and pulled the two of you onto Caspian. Without his blazer which he carried in his arm, you could feel him so much more. His stomach muscles contracted as he rode the horse with you and it took all of your willpower not to back up and press yourself against Kyoya. You reached the road and slid from the horse.
                “So where do we go from here?” Kyoya asked.
                “There’s no cell reception, so I guess you’ll just have to take the bus like all the other commoners.” You grinned, still avoiding looking at him for fear he would know how much his appearance was turning you on.
                “So this was your plan all along?”
                “Alright, you got me, I planned this all because I want to see the great Kyoya Ootari ride a commoners bus.”
                “I knew it. You are quite devious.”
                “Mmm.” You agreed. The bus pulled up and after bidding Caspian goodbye, you paid for the both of you.
                “I take it the great Ootori doesn’t carry change?”
                “Members of high class society do not jingle.”
                You bit back a grin, “of course not.”
                Not thinking, you got off at your apartment buildings and Kyoya followed. “so this is where you live, doesn’t Haruhi live a few doors down?”
                “Yes she does, quite the coincidence.” You said, “Tea, Ootori-san?”
                “No thank you. However, there is something I would like.”
                “And what is that?”
                You had moved so you were standing close but not touching, and you had locked gazes with him. “I want your secrets. I want to unravel you and know you and leave you with nothing to hide from me.” His voice was low, and rough. You mentally calmed yourself.
                “And why would you want that?”
                “Because you confuse me.”
                “So why should I help you.”
                He moved closer, body still not touching yours, “because it will be so. Much. Fun.”
                His lips finally crashed onto yours and your body lurched forward to touch his at every point. Your hands came to clutch in his hair, and his were on your hips pulling your lower half to his. Your lips moved with his and your body was still arching, craving more contact, more heat.
                His hands moved down to your thighs and he lifted you, wrapping your legs around his waist. He backed you up into a wall and you groaned, he was so much closer. Your lips had not yet left his, but you had to break for air. Your feet touched the ground and his forehead rested against yours as you both let your breathing calm down.
                “When does your family get home?” He asked, breaking the silence.
                You looked at him, “there is no family.” He stepped away, your hands still clasped in his.
                “You live here alone?”
                “Why? I am sure you have family around somewhere.”
                “They’re all back in Britain, I left them for a bit. Needed to clear my head.”
                “You needed to clear your head, so you moved halfway across the world, alone?”
                “Don’t say it like that, it sounds worse than it is.”      
                He closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose, “there’s only one way this situation could get any worse. Please tell me they know where you are.”
                You got the answer from your silence. “That’s why you won’t give me any information isn’t it? Your name, where you come from, you don’t want them finding you.” When you stayed silent he began to walk towards the door, only pausing when you called after him.
                “They’ll find me eventually, I know I can’t hide forever. But everyone deserves some peace every now and then.” And then he was gone.
                For the next few weeks the two of you kept your distance, except for the black car that showed up on your doorstep every morning that you refused to take. And then, as you knew it would, your hiding came to an end.
                You were just leaving the class you shared with Kyoya and Tamaki when you head a yell.
                “Georgia! Georgia wait! You know how long we’ve been looking for you?” You ignored him and kept walking.
                “You’re not still mad are you? Come on, don’t hide away here, we want to go home.”
                You spun around and seethed through your teeth, “well I am so sorry to inconvenience you, how selfish of me.” The boy recoiled.
                “Georgia come on, I said I was sorry, we’re family, we’re supposed to work through things like this.” He whined
                “Family doesn’t keep secrets. Family doesn’t HUMILIATE each other.”
                “Go home idiot. I’m not coming.” And you stalked away.
                Kyoya looked at you striding away, and made a decision. “Tamaki, keep this guy here.” And he ran after you. He didn’t say anything when he caught up to you, just walked beside you until you stopped at a tree. He followed you up the tree, and then onto the rooftop you climbed onto, and sat next to you.
                “So that’s who you are.”
                You stayed silent.
                “He calls you Georgia, you call yourself Anna. Put them together and you get Georgiana, Georgiana Juliet Darcy. Your family owns everything, every major company in Britain, and all of the sister companies all over the world. That’s quite a heritage. I assume that was your brother, Louis Darcy?”
                You nodded.
                “And I also assume you are having some form of family dispute?”
                You nodded.
                “And he has been sent here by your father to retrieve you.”
                “No.” you spat out, “he’s here because he’s a gutless worm who is scared of our father and came to get me before father finds out what he did.”
                “It was that bad?”
                You paused, and lowered your chin to your knees. Then, quietly you said “It was humiliating.”
                “What did he do?”
                “Does it matter? I came here to escape from him, at least for a little while.”
                Kyoya looked at you, and ignoring any future repercussions he wrapped one arm around your shoulders and hugged you into his side.
                Eventually, he coaxed you down and led you back to your brother.
                “Georgia! Thank god, you have a serious running from your troubles problem. You need to get that sorted.”
                You sent him a withering look.
                “That look might work on everyone else Georgia, but not me. I’m your brother, I know you better than that.”
                “Then it should be so much harder for you to betray me! You should know how much this would hurt me!” You said, fighting to keep your voice below a yell.
                “Hush Georgia, you’re making this a bigger deal than it is. Now let’s all just forget about it and go home.”
                He held his hand out to you, and then you knew.
                “Dad’s here isn’t he?” You asked, a smirk growing on your face. “You’re so pathetic Louis. You want me to act happy for you so he won’t know what you did! Well tough for you, I’m not exactly your best friend right now.”
                “We’re still family.”
                “then start acting like it.” You snapped. He silenced, and the only thing you could hear were footsteps. Heavy, determined, powerful footsteps that you knew all too well. You turned,
                “Hi Dad.”
                “Afternoon Georgiana, how are you enjoying your stay?”
                “Good, good, now Louis, if you could stop trespassing and making a scene in this academy I would be grateful. If you could stop besmirching our family name, I would be even happier. Let’s go.” He turned to walk away, Louis trailing behind him. “I expect to know the address of where you are staying, Georgiana.”
                “Yes Dad.” You called back, and then he was gone.
                You turned back to Kyoya, “I’m gonna go home. See you all in class tomorrow.”
                Kyoya was staggered. He had just seen one of the biggest business tycoons on the planet, oh what his father would say!
                “Oh my god Louis, what on earth are you doing here?” You asked, he was wearing down your patience. He had been showing up everywhere you went, thank god he hadn’t found the stable with Caspian yet, so you still had that as a safe place.
                “I’m here to talk to you.”
                You were walking along the path to the car your father insisted you take home. Darcy’s ride in cars, not on busses. The rest of the host club was with you, and you knew that they would stand by you.
                “What do you want me to say Louis?”
                “Say that you forgive me.” He pleaded
                “But I don’t, how can I?” You stopped in front of your car, “After what you did.”
                “You gave us your blessing! You said it was ok!”
                “Yeah, I gave you my blessing when you came up to me and told me that you were gay, and that you had feelings for Michael. Michael, my boyfriend for the past three years! I thought you were being brave, and honest! Then, to find out that you two had been seeing each other behind my back for the past year, can you imagine how much that hurts! How badly you betrayed me! And for me to find out from the house maid!? You are cowardly Louis, and right now I want nothing to do with you.” You finished, the host club looked at Louis with open eyes, and the door of your car opened.
                Your father was there, looking murderous. “Get in, both of you.”
                “Let me get this straight.” Your father said, “You are gay?”
                Louis nodded.
                “You had an affair with your sisters boyfriend for a whole year.”
                “You snuck around, behind your sisters back, and took away one of the most cherished people to her.”
                “You lied to her.”
                “You lied to me.”
                “You betrayed your family.”
                Louis’ voice was stuck in his throat, and then he let out a small, “yes.”
                You father grew silent, and you looked out the window. Louis was enough of a wreck, but you didn’t feel any better.
                Later that night you were sat on your bed brushing your hair when there was a knock at the door.
                “Come in.” you called, you looked and were surprised at the visitor. “Hi dad.”
                “Good evening Georgiana.” He stood at the window, and then came to sit at the bed next to you.
                “I know that taking over my place has never been your greatest ambition, but I want you to know that it is an option for you, if you want it.”
                “But I thought Louis-” you started.
                “That path is closed to him now.” Your father responded.
                “Oh Dad no! That’s been his dream since he learned what a company was!”
                “Then he can find another one, or build his own. But he is not inheriting my empire.”
                “Just because of this?”
                He sighed, “I care that you are hurt, but the reason is because you are right, my son is a coward. He lied to and betrayed this family. He sacrificed your happiness for his own, and I am ashamed of him. You showed true loyalty in giving up Michael for Louis’ happiness, and even when you discovered the truth you handled it with strength.”
                “I ran away to the other side of the world.”
                “I would have beaten him senseless.”
                You both chuckled.
                “I know you had different plans, but I think you would do well in my place Georgiana.” He clapped your shoulder, “just think about it.”
                You nodded, numb from the compliment. Your father was a business man, after your mother passed away you had lacked a solid parental figure in your life. Your father had always been there for you, but he was always busy. Not that you blamed him of course, he practically controlled half of the world.
                You were silent for the whole day at school, you sat in your seat at the host academy and stared into space. You didn’t notice when the seat opposite you was taken.
                “What’s the matter?” He said. He sat in silence with you and waited for a response.
                “He made me his heir.” You said, still not believing it yourself. You knew Kyoya understood, he had also grown up with the certainty that his older siblings would inherit the company.
                “That’s fantastic.” He said, an air in his words that showed he was just as stunned as you.
                “It will break my brothers heart.” You whispered, a tear falling that you hastily wiped away. “All he has ever dreamed of is one day, being the great Mr. Darcy that our father is. In one lack of judgement I have taken it all away. I shouted at him to act like a brother, but what kind of sister am I to do this to him?”
                Kyoya covered your hand with his, “you have done nothing, your father made this decision based on your brothers actions. You are not to blame.”
                You buried yourself in his dress shirt, ignoring the chorus of ‘Awww’ from the clients. “He will disown me.” You whispered.
                “Louis? Of course he won’t, he’ll come around eventually.”
                “And if he doesn’t? If he is lost to me forever?”
                “Then you still have all of us.”
                You let out a gasp as you felt his hot breath on your neck. “Kyoya” you breathed again as he found a spot that ran shivers to your fingertips.
                “Hush, we can’t be found now can we?” He chuckled, before continuing his ministrations.          
                You were once again visiting Caspian and were once again hiding in the hay, until Kyoya thought it would be funny to start this little game of his.
                “A-aah.” You squeeled as his freezing cold hand slipped under your shirt to rest on your stomach. “Kyoya that’s cold!” you hissed. But again, he only chuckled and moved his lips to yours, a more effective method of keeping you quiet. You could never accurately recreate the blossoming feel of heat you felt whenever he kissed you, remembering it never fully did it justice. It was only when his lips were atop yours, moving in sync. When his tongue met yours in a fierce dance. Meeting Kyoya, you would never have guessed that he held such a passion inside of him, but you were so glad he did.
                You walked across the street, hand in hand with Kyoya.
                “Come on, let me try it!” You said. Sighing, he handed over his granola bar and let you take a bite. You swallowed, “its not bad, but I prefer it without fruit chunks.”
                He shook his head at your childishness. “Don’t I get something in return?” He asked.
                You waved your chocolate bar at him, knowing full well that wasn’t what he meant. He spun you and captured your lips with his.
                “Georgia?” You heard him yell and you whipped around.
                “Louis.” You breathed, “Louis listen!”
                He shook his head, “do you even know what you’re doing? Dad gives you his empire on a silver platter so now you think you can mess around like a slut? And with him!? He’s an Ootari! Darcy’s don’t meddle with them, you know that!”
                “Louis!” You yelled, but the cry fell on deaf ears as your brother ran. You looked hopelessly back at Kyoya.
                “Aren’t you going to go after him?” He asked. You shook your head.
                “I’m done with him. I will speak to my father when I am asked.”
                Kyoya let out a small smile, you were so stubborn. “I have a better idea.”
                You knocked on the door with one hand, the other was firmly clasped within Kyoya’s.
                “Come in Georgiana.” Your father said, and you opened the door. “Well tell him to move it to Thursday.” Your father said down the phone, he never yelled, but his deep voice carried power and authority like none other you had ever heard.
                “Well I can’t make Tuesday can I?”
                “Because I’m halfway across the bloody world you idiot!”
                “I don’t care what he says, I will be there Thursday, good night.” He closed the phone with a sigh and turned to face you. You took a chair as he gestured, and Kyoya took another. The last was already filled by your brother. You felt a lot like a child visiting the head master. In an effort to break the silence, you spoke.
                “You’re going home father?”
                “Yes, my empire needs me.” You nodded in understanding. He continued, “so what’s going on here, your brother burst in with some very important news, you look petrified and I have the youngest son of the Ootori family sat in my study. Very nice to meet you by the way” he added at the end with a nod to Kyoya. You opened your mouth to explain when Louis blurt out,
                “Georgia’s become a slut! She was snogging the Ootari boy this afternoon! I saw them!”
                “I am not a slut!” You father held up his hands for silence, and silence fell.
                “Louis, she is your sister, where has your honour gone? Attempting to degrade your sister will not put you back in my good graces. And Georgiana, what is he trying to say?”
                You swallowed, “for the past few months while I have been here, I have engaged in a romantic relationship with Kyoya. I did it without your blessing and without your consent, and I beg your pardon. I understand that the Ootari family is one of your biggest rivals but I do not believe that-”
                You father burst out laughing, “you always were so formal Georgiana, calm down. The Ootari boy seems nice enough, and if you’re happy, then I’m happy.”
                “really?” you asked.
                “Really.” He said, Louis looked angry and defeated in his chair, and he soon got up and stormed out but that did nothing to diminish the glow you felt.
                Louis was already boarded, and your father enveloped you in a tight hug.
                “The other businessmen won’t think it strange that you’re leaving me here?” You asked.
                “It’s none of their business what I do with my family. And besides, I leave you here as an ambassador, to strengthen our relationship with the Ootari family so that one day, when you come to my place in the business, you may have allies instead of competition.”

                You hugged him again and then left him to get on the plane. You watched it take off and felt someone take your hand. You grinned as you saw Kyoya at your side, and with a wicked smile he pulled you to him and molded his lips to yours. Your arms curled around him and scrunched in his hair. His hands burned at your waist as they held you to him, and you knew. You knew that all the heart break you had been through, all of the hiding and lying, you knew that it led you to Kyoya, and you wouldn’t have it any other way.